How long after RNY am I allowed to fly?

I am hoping to go on a trip this summer. How long until I can fly? Also, If I was to take a road trip, how long before I could handle that?    — Jessica K. (posted on April 22, 2010)

April 22, 2010
it all goes by when you are feeling ok. i was up to par by the 3 week mark. i asked the same question to my surgeon since i have to fly somewhere next month and that was his answer to me.
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 22, 2010
I had a VSG and flew home 3 days later.
   — KristalleH

April 22, 2010
Please check with you doctor/surgeon. :)
   — Makena

May 8, 2010
I took a road trip one way and flew back one month after my RNY. My felt that a change a of scenery would do me some good. I was having a reaction to the pain meds of depression. So while I was backing off the pain meds a road trip was the answer. I did great and flying was good too. The seat belt FIT! ! ! ! :-)
   — Jrice423

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