What is wrong with ME ?

I had my surgery July 08. and i cannot get food off my mind, I worry that i am eating to much now, I have gain weight and cannot break the 200 mark I feel like i am loosing the battle again.I do not get dumping at all and i worry the more i say no to my slef the more i want it and i grab it and shove it my mouth. What wrong with me!!!?    — tjcofield (posted on July 17, 2009)

July 17, 2009
This is called head hunger. Be careful, that is what made us need surgery in the first place, well some of us. Head hunger is an emotional issue. I would cook dinner and just the smell of the food was good enough to satisfy it. Or I would dip my finger in the sauce pan of whatever I was cooking and just tasting it took care of the head hunger. You aren't loosing the battle if you don't listen to the head hunger monster. You will be surprised at how well dipping your finger and just tasting the liquid from food works. Give it a try and let us know how it worked out for you. One more thing, you really need to cut your ties with food emotionally in order for this tool to work right. I cut my tie with food pre op and the head hunger wasn't as bad, because I no longer craved the burritos I love to eat. Some things I loved pre op, I can't stand post op.
   — Kristy

July 17, 2009
I too feel that way sometimes. I am 13 months out, and have become obsessed with the calories I consume and then try to ignore that I had a fully loaded cappucino or a candy bar. I don't dump either, and work in a convenience store where I am surrounded by candy. I have been trying to be faithful about exercising or doing pilates, or walking, but then I eat something I shouldn't and justify it in my mind, like, "well, I did exercise today..." It is a vicious cycle, I'm telling you. If you find the answer before I do, please let me know what it is. I haven't gained weight, but I am not dropping anymore like I think I should still be. I am not at my goal weight anyways.
   — Shauna E.

July 17, 2009
I also have struggled some with this... I purchased bite sized candy bars and let myself eat one and that ususally does the trick. I love snickers icecream bars so I purchase them and cut them into 2 inch pience and put each one in a ziploc snack bag then when I am craving icecream I don't deny myself until it becomes an obsession I eat one piece and I am fine.
   — phyllismmay

July 18, 2009
You might try reading the book The Beck Diet Solution by Judith S. Beck. This might help you.
   — dsquire

July 18, 2009
If you go deeper, to find out why this is happening, you might be able to resist. My head hunger stems from stress, too much stress and I am not dealing with it in a healthy way. I have fallen back into old bad habits of using food as a destresser, a comfort. Now I have not only stopped losing, but have gaind about 15 pounds. I am depressed and realize I will have to lift myself up by my bootstraps. Kinda hard to do when you weigh 238. All I can suggest is that you resist resist resist, continue to drink your water, continute to exercise, continue to only put things in your mouth that are nutritionally right for you to consume. Talk to your doctor, nut, psych. Be faithful to yourself. You are worth it. Don't fall as far as I have.
   — cydthekid50

July 18, 2009
at this point i would suggest going back to basics-- protein, protein, protein. avoid carbs. sip your water all day. when you feel the head hunger monster, take a walk, play with your dog, call a friend, come chat on OH. you MIGHT want to try attending a support group like OA or seeking some therapy as to why you are eating.
   — greenpunchbuggie

July 18, 2009
Bare with me folks, I am somewhat radical when it comes to my beliefs about obesity. I feel like the obesity monster is very physiological That is to say: I don't call it "head hunger". And I don't agree that overeating is emotional. It's called Grelin and Peptide YY. They are hormones that control our hunger and our appetite. The role they play in causing obesity is major!! Think of it this way: If someone told you that you would lose weight if you just went without sleep. How much weight do you think you could loose? The physiological force of sleep deprivation would break you. Same thing with hunger and appetite. With these hormones in play, your body breaks you both physically and psychologically.
   — Kathy M.

July 19, 2009
Cravings are a big problem. The more you worry and stress about what you eat the more you eat. I have learned to accept my cravings in small doses. If I wnat chocolate, I have chocolate covered nuts. Protien and craving. I look for ways to use the cravings. Salt was hard I woudl want potato chips. Now I do sun flower seeds. Crunch and salt. If I really feel the need for Cheetos I have a lunch box size bag. I don't buy any extra, cuz I would eat them if I did. I eat a little of what ever I wnat and then throw away what is left so I don't go back and finish it. I am working with a counselo rto find out why I want to eat certian foods that I know can not help me get to my goals. I eat more often then anyone in my office and I am the skinnest person here. I eat nuts or protien bars all day. Otherwise I really get slammed with cravings at night. I think it is about keeping your blood sugar levels balanced, and the triggers you have eatablished over the years. You need to learn tricks to help you deal with the cravings, I don't think they ever go away.
   — trible

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