Has anyone experienced really bad stomach pain (probably gas)

Has anyone experienced really bad stomach pain (probably gas) from having to much splenda? Sometimes not always, I get really bad stomach pain. Seems to come about after eating something with splenda. I had no sugar added ice cream. I measured out half a cup, shortly after I started with a pain on my right side about the middle of my stomach. The pain intensified where I couldn't walk, stand, sit, or breath right. I take gasX and a antiacid (rolaids) and pain eases up shortly after. This has happened several times with eating other foods too. I have my 6 mo check up next month which I will bring to my Drs. attn. Just wondering if this has happened to anyone else and what do you do. I am cutting back on the splenda. I am 16 mos out and have lost 115 lbs. I had they gastric bypass surgery. I appreciate your in put.    — niecie54 (posted on March 9, 2008)

March 9, 2008
I have never had a reaction to Splenda, and I cook with it and sweeten beverages with it. I use it when eating out all the time. I do have a bad reaction to sugar, however. I went to Chick-fla and had a diet lemonade, but the gave me sugar in the diet drink. I started sweeting and having stomach cramps for nearly 1 hour.
   — William (Bill) wmil

March 9, 2008
I can not use Splenda. I get where I get sick at my stomach and my blood sugar drops. I get a very dry mouth and stomach cramps, also. It take my body two days to get the Splenda out of my system.
   — Sassybel94

March 9, 2008
It could be the splenda...but it could be the lactose in the milk too. Dairy will double me over in pain for hours(Gas)...Especially Icecream and milk. Yogurts and cheeses do not do this unless I eat a huge amount which I don't.
   — .Anita R.

March 9, 2008
Eating is trial and error after WLS. I was a big meat and potatoes eater b4 surgery, and not now! Try eating the things that don't bother you and introduce other foods slowly, to see if they agree with you. Alot of people develope lactose intolerance after surgery, and even as far out as you are. I haven't ever heard of anyone getting side effects from splenda. I read that some people do get headaches from sweet-n-low. Good luck on your tremendous loss. If you continue to have pain I would consult your doctor. Lesleigh in Ga.
   — lesleigh07

March 9, 2008
I would bet money you are lactose intolerant. That is exactly how I feel when I eat or drink anything with milk in it. I drink lactaid milk and stay away from ice cream and any cream based soups or sauces.
   — Carlyn M.

March 9, 2008
Hi, I would get really bad cramping and pain in stomach, so i switched to soy milk. I never had problems again. Dr said that I was lactose intolerant. Before surgery I did well with regular milk. not anymore, So it is soy milk for me. I had RNY in sept 2007. best of luck to you.
   — nanacindy

March 9, 2008
I do react the same way to Splenda. You have to remember that this is truly sugar. It is just refined and broken down in a way so that your body don't have to break it down. The ice cream deal could have been the dairy. I can't have ice cream with out the stomach cramping and dumping.
   — bariatricdivalatina

March 9, 2008
I would have to agree with the masses. I would bet you are or turning lactose intolerant. I use so much Splenda on a daily basis and I have never had that trouble. I would talk to my doctors, try the pills or lactaid (I think thats it's name) and see what happens with that. Good luck to you, it would be tough to not be able to tolerate splenda since so many things are made with it now. Take care.
   — noboat4u

March 9, 2008
Ask your doctor...but it MIGHT be lactose intolerance. I have it now, mildly. Your symptoms sound just like what I experience. Rhonda
   — Rhonda S.

March 9, 2008
Hi Niecie - I am 5 yrs post op (RNY) and I to this very day experience gas. I have to admit it has not been after taking spenda. I would definitely speak with the doctor regarding, however, I think gas come with the territory. I too take an antacid (Tums), which seems to work for me as well. I too experience gas pains to the point that I can not walk as well. Just lately I have been experiencing it more often. I had an EGD taken and everything was fine. I will keep you posted as I find out more info. If you would like to keep in contact, please write me at [email protected]. Take Care and Good Luck
   — Sammi G.

March 10, 2008
Two things, first, I don't think it was the splenda that is causing your reaction, it is probably that you are eating ice cream. Try splenda with something else like yogurt and see if you have the same reaction. If you do, you will just have to stay away from splenda products, but you can try it again in 6 months or a year and see if it is the same. I think though, that is is not the splenda, but the ice cream. The other thing is this. If you are getting belly pain, see your surgeon. It might be right after you are eating, and nothing to be concerned about, but belly pain can be the result of an internal hernia, which can be dangerous. My surgeon, at our support group, stated that no matter how far out, if you are getting belly pain, even if it is not all the time, you need to be seen right away. Please contact your surgeon and check in. Thanks! Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

March 10, 2008
My sister who does not have weight issues. Always been tiny. She has problems wiht the maltodextrin that is in Splenda and many other products. She cannot tolerate it all. So might check the labels for this sort of thing. It is in lots of things, long before Splenda came to market, but with Splenda it is widely used now than ever before.
   — MzCruse

March 10, 2008
I had surgery 9-06 and have had reactions to different things but the very worst was with sugar free ice cream...I didn't try it again for months and then had the same bad reaction to it... I can eat a little regular ice cream but the sugar free makes me feel like I am dying.... I use splenda on everything and have no reaction..
   — Debbie B.

March 10, 2008
I am about 7 years post-op and I still have that problem. The best thing to, continue, doing is take the Gas-X and try to refrain from the foods that cause you this type of discomfort.
   — Kelly T.

March 11, 2008
I get "tummy trouble" (gas, diarhea) with Splenda, and worse with any of the "sugar alcohols". They are low carb, so I still eat them...but I have to limit my intake. My daughter, a few years ago when she was 4, started calling my sugar free chocolate "the candy with gas in it." This is before wls. I'm hoping my surgery date will be in a few months (still working through the process).
   — abeeba

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