Just wondering what are some good exercises to do for the tummy area?

I know a lot of people have dropped weight drastically and where does the skin go? My problem area is my tummy and my inner legs. I do exercise everyday on my own at home and I also walk everyday for 45 minutes during my lunch break at work. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I can do on my own at home? Can't afford to join a gym right now.    — Crystal H. (posted on January 8, 2008)

January 7, 2008
The skin is still there. If your'e younger (up to about 35), there is a very good chance your skin may tone up and there will be little evidence of loose skin. A lot has to do with genetics also. But if you're older, the skin is not able to tone as easily, and loose skin will be there. I'm 61, a male, and I've lost 140 pounds in 18 months. My butt droops a little (but I never had a large butt), my thighs are a little "loose), and I have a case of Dunlop. That is where the stomach "dun lops" over the belt lite. But it's not very obvious, unless my shirt is off. I go to multiple support groups each month. Some women can tone themselves if younger, and most of the rest wear good support undergarments. A select few, with $10,000 or more of extra money, opt for plastic surgery. Most insurance companies will not cover a tummy tuck, as it's considered cosmetic. In some cases, where the loose skin causes skin irritations, the insurance company will approve surgery for skin removal. But this type of surgery is not as cosmetically nice as what a plastic surgeon does.
   — Dave Chambers

January 7, 2008
Hello there I had lap band on nov 12 07 and even before surgery the best info i found is at He has a combat abs workbook that is better than anything. it is only about 20 -30 bucks has lots of pictures and his whole website is devoted to body weight exercises and not to expensive gym memberships and equipment. i am not sellin anything i just believe it is the best for overall fitness
   — milljh

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