Iam having difficulty taking capsules

I am 2 weeks post op/lap band,I am having trouble taking all the pills I am on.It is about 10 of them.It feels like they form a ball in the pouch even though I spread them out.Is this normal?It is making me uncomfortable. nurse123    — nurse123 (posted on May 5, 2007)

May 5, 2007
Try this: one at a time, let them sit in your mouth (saliva) for 10 seconds or until they become sticky, then swallow. If you are one who can basically take a pill without it touching your tongue (saliva), it might indeed be sitting there for awhile. Saliva is the magic ingredient to break down gelatin. You don't have to let them OPEN, just let them start getting sticky or soft.
   — vitalady

May 5, 2007
Have you thought about other forms? I took pills before surgery,and found that some come in liquid or chewable or dissolvable. I even got my hormone replacement therapy changed to a patch! I changed one med for another,if I could not find an easy route equivalent. I told my docs what I needed & they were able to help me. I had one doc tell me to stick with swallowing the insides of a capsule that were so bitter & I could not see how I could do it twice a day. I asked another doc,who found me a dissolvable equivalent. It is all do-able,if you ask for help. I wish you peace.
   — peacelovecat

May 5, 2007
Hello, how about chewables or liquid form? I had Lap Rny and we had to do either liquid or chewables for 2 months -- I still do.
   — the7thdean

May 5, 2007
How about just crushing them or opening capsules, this is what I did after having the RNY and had to take my vitamins...
   — Kari_K

May 7, 2007
My doctor told me the first year I can only take liquid form medicine.
   — barfiep01

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