Pregnant, 3 yrs post-op, and OLD!!!

So glad to see so many success stories with post-op pregnancy. Makes me feel better. I just found out I am expecting a baby! WOW. I have three kids, 17, 10 & 8. I am going to be 39 in two months. I worry about the malabsorption, my anemia, my age, and every other little thing. I welcome ANY information to ease my mind and keep my stress level managable.    — Dawn M. (posted on January 25, 2006)

January 25, 2006
HI Dawn, Congrats on the addition to your family. I too am expecting a baby and had the same concerns. I currently take my prenatals, a monthly B12 shot, and have my blood levels checked monthly to ensure that I do not have any deficiencies. I currently participate on the post-op pregnancy forum and you can find a wealth of information there as well as have the ability to communicate with some wonderful women. I hope to see you there. Tiffany
   — Tiff's On a Mission

January 25, 2006
Congrats to you. I guess you can see the Lord has a sense of humor. I too was "old" 37 and got pregnant 6 weeks after WLS. I thought I was done with all the baby stuff because I already had a 12yr old and 10 yr old. It all worked out fine, my pregnancy was the easiest one I had, she was born healthy just smaller than the other 2. My older kids were 8lbs babies and she was 6lbs 11oz. I have much more patients now and I think that comes with age and my older 2 kids are crazy about her and such a great help. Feel free to email [email protected]
   — badkidzmom

January 25, 2006
I had twins at 39, and I'm definitely NOT old. Of course I was a pre-op, but as you're so far out post-op, I don't see that it would make a difference as long as you're super careful to up your protein and vitamins.
   — mom2jtx3

January 25, 2006
I too had twins at 39! God really does have such a sense of humor. Of course I was not post-op, as you are -- but there are already so many things to deal with being pregnant at 39... These best advice I can give you is to up your protein and enlist your older kids full-time help. You will need your REST. Best of luck to you!
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 26, 2006
You are not old! I had my first baby at the age of 42 and was pregnant within six weeks of the first C-section and had my second within 10 months of the first at the age of 43! They are so close that they are the SAME AGE for eight weeks out of the year! No one can say that God does not have a sense of humor! God Bless - You will be fine. Terri Brown
   — dr._brown

January 30, 2006
WOW ... you guys are an inspiration to me ... I'm ttc #1, and I'm 43!! This has been more than challenging.
   — Karyn B

February 9, 2006
Well, I have most of you beat. I'm three years out, have an 8-year-old and 10-year-old and will have my third child in about four weeks -- two weeks after having turned 45. I'm doing well, haven't gained a lot of weight and expect to drop it not long after I have the baby, who, btw, was a surprise. I'm a totally different body shape this time around, so my pregnancy has been very different. Easier in a lot of respects because I'm not carrying around 150 extra pounds. I've just had to watch my protein, my vitamins/iron and do what they tell me to do. Good luck. Gerianne RNY 1/29/03
   — Gerianne D.

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