Has having your surgery made the whole family healthier?

I am hopefully getting close to be able to obtain my dream ~WLS... I'm a self-payor... yada, yada, yada. Anyway, my daughter is very concerned that once I DO have the surgery I will one day be smaller than her. I have told her that this is not a cosmetic thing, but a health thing and that once I have the surgery we will all be eating better as a result of it. I also told her I will have the energy to exercise, walk, ride bikes and all of the other things we don't do as a family now. I am trying to make her see that this is a healthy decision for all of us. I don't want her to be at a point in her life like I am, seeing surgery as my only way to once again have a 'normal' life. So any words of wisdom you have would be greatly appreciated as I will let her read them. Thanks!    — MICHELLE F. (posted on January 22, 2004)

January 21, 2004
michelle, as a result of my wls almost 2 yrs ago my entire family (5 kids,1husband) has began to eat better, mainly because they eat what I fix and I now fix only healthy foods. I hope I have broke the generational curse in my home of obesity....My children are more aware now of the foods they are putting into their mouth and the scales are showing it for them all......Hope this answers your question.....God Bless Donna
   — littlelady B.

January 21, 2004
I am a little over a year post-op and my 17 year old said to me the other day "mom do you notice that since you had the surgery the portions on MY plate have gotten smaller?"..LOL!! I guess I am trying to get them to eat smaller portions without realizing it!! My 2 boys (17 & 13) on their own (even before my surgery) have been very aware of food issues and weight issues in our family and hopefully will not have to deal with these issues as adults!
   — Kathy M.

January 21, 2004
I don't have kids, but my hubby has definitely started eating better and being more health conscious. I am 5 mos postop, and during that time hubby has switched to skim milk, drinks very little soda, drinks a protein shake now and then, drinks 64 oz of water per day, eats more veggies, we grill or rotisserie our food instead of fry, and we never eat fast food anymore. Also he has learned to read labels better and the carb/fat/sugar content of stuff means more to him now. I cook 2 new recipes each week so we don't get bored eating the same old stuff. I have a wls cookbook and it has lots of good recipes in it, and he has eaten everything I have made so far! Tell your daughter she will benefit from wls without having to actually have or need the surgery, because she will learn better eating tools from you now. Congrats on getting close to your surgery!
   — beeda

January 21, 2004
I am only 7 weeks post-op but I have seen a big difference in my family. My husband and kids (21 & 14) have all lost weight and they even walk with me. You will be surprised how they will cut back just because you have. Enjoy your journey with them!
   — Jill S.

January 22, 2004
Michelle! Yes! Very much so! I'm a self-pay patient, too. We should totally talk! Email me any time, okay? Blessings, dina
   — Dina McBride

January 22, 2004
I have not noticed any difference at all as far as my family eating healthier. My husband has always been fit and my children are too young to even be concerned with what 'fat' is. I still control what they eat and do. Mwahahah...oh sorry. What I must stress is the overall mental health of your family. This is WAY overlooked with this surgery. Your daughter has already expressed a concern that you will be smaller than her. This surgery is an emotional ride for them as well as you. Be open with communication and listen to your family. Rebecca 10/03/01 265/140
   — RebeccaP

January 22, 2004
Sorry, I also wanted to add.....My mother had WLS when I was 5...sometimes, it's just your genes and nothing you have done wrong.
   — RebeccaP

January 22, 2004
I have totally changed they way my family eat and drink. They don't give me a hard time about it at all either. My husband and my children are excited to enjoy my protein smoothies in the mornings /and, or/ evenings! I even add 2 tbsps of flaxseed oil and they just want more. In the very beginning of my post-op months I would make my family's plates so small that they would look at me like I was crazy. My husband really had to remind me that he need more food. So funny once I caught myself doing that. It was just so difficult for me to imagine that anyone, even my 11 year old, could eat so much food at once. I am much better at it now that I am 11 months post-op and have been at goal for 2.5 months.
   — 1ariel

January 22, 2004
This is funny that you are talking to your daughter about this, because my daughter (age 25) and I had this same conversation before my surgery. I have been overweight my entire life (the doctor put me on my first diet when I was 6 months old!), and my daughter grew up with me on one type of diet or another. So when I finally decided on this and was approved for the surgery, she was concerned that, I could be smaller than her. Well, now I am 6 months post op and guess what - I am smaller than she is!! (Go me!!), but because of it, she has starting to eat better and she joined a gym so that she can start working on herself - and all because her "fat momma ain't fat no more"!!! LOL
   — Danette C.

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