Staple line rupture and now ULCERS???? Why? What's next?

2.5 yr po RNY. You all know I've been posting questions about my staple line rupture and now here comes another complication ULCERS! I just had my EGD yesterday and 2 ulcers were noted at the beginning of the pouch, no wonder I've had so much nausea, vomitting and pain. I don't drink alcohol/caffine, smoke, or eat greasy spicy foods. I don't understand how or why these ulcers have developed, I didn't have them a year ago. Doc prescribe Carafate & Protonix. I'm having surgery Dec. 17 for a complete gastric transection and so afraid these ulcers will cause problems in the future like erosion of the pouch and leakage. Can a person live without a stomach? Forgive me for being a little paranoid, I just keep thinking what's next. Any comments appreciated.    — Barbara M. (posted on November 22, 2003)

November 21, 2003
Because you have being revised to a transected pouch, I wouldn't be to concerned with forming ulcers and causing a leak. If the ulcer were to get so bad that it ate thru your stomach to cause a would know LONG before that happened. The pain and blood alone would clue you in. As for why you developed them...many many reasons, you never really know which one, or what combination of reasons caused you to develop them. You are using maybe a 4th of your stomach....lets look at the worse case scenerio...ulcers develop in your pouch...they are so bad that they have to remove them. You have all this other stomach just sitting in there waiting to be used. Now the reality of it.....It's rare that ulcers have to be surgicaly removed, it happens (believe me) but its not all that common. And for it to happen over and over again is even more rare. One day at a time...I take prevacid every day and will for the rest of my life. This is because I do not want to ever develop another ulcer. Maybe this is something you should discuss with your surgeon. Also ask if he will be cutting the vegas(sp?) nerve. Mine did, apparently that is what caused you stomach to over produce acid, therefor reducing the risk of recurrent ulcers. That is my understanding, I could be wrong. Becky 10/01~265/135
   — RebeccaP

November 21, 2003
If you've had the staple line disrupt then the stomach acid will come into your pouch that way causing the ulcers. If you are to be transected then I would think that would eliminate most (if not all) chances of the stomach acid leaking or eroding anything in the future. And yes, you can live without a stomach. Some have to for reasons other than having this surgery done by choice. I know two people, personally, that have no stomach; one due to cancer and one from ulcers. Hope this helps. I think you will be fine, good luck! Pam
   — Pambylah

November 22, 2003
Although I did have SLD and had it fixed, I was fortunate not to develop an ulcer. Most of these are marginal ulcers and they do heal if treated and taken care twin sister has one and she has learned that 1. You must have something in the pouch (even a slice of bread) or the acid causes pain. 2. Not to use any asprin even baby asprin or ibuprofen and to be very careful using supplements that are not "pouch friendly". Be very careful using antioxidants capsules. I recommend the Isotonix antioxidants that are a powder that you add water to. I like taking antioxidants because of anti-aging properties so I use these. Michelle Curran can advise on ulcers. I think she has more knowledge than the so called "pros". She has been there/done that. She advised me early on about medications "tell your physician to prescribe all medications to you as IF you had an ulcer already". That way we are safe in protecting our fragile pouches. God bless you Barbara. I know what you are going through and if I can help, just e mail me. This is a difficult time but you will get through it and it will be good again. I know it seems overwhelming right now but remember that you have already come a long way and God didn't put you in this if He can't get you through it. Blessings to you,
   — Mylou52

November 22, 2003
Ulcers are just sores in your stomach. Get as much info as you can from the internet about them. Did the Dr. test you for H. Poloric? It grows in the lining of your stomach. Antibiotics cure it. Once the sore heals, it is healed. Although you will be more suceptable to getting other ulcers. Make sure you take acid reducing meds, no acid forming foods,or drinks, and monitor your health. Catch signs before they get out of hand. Hopefully you are already taking something for anxiety, Worring will cause acid also. Good Luck, and try to relax --
   — CohenHeart

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