Has anyone ever tried a chair dancing workout video?

Hi all . . . I am 54 days and counting pre-op . . . and I am trying to get myself in the best shape I can be in :) I wanted to work on exercise. . . however being MO and out of shape plus having two knee replacements . . . I was stuck for an idea. I went on to look for a really low impact video . . . well I ordered one called Chair Dancing by Jodi Stolove's. It is awesome!! Great strength building and toning . . . check it out at or call 1-800-551-4FUN. I love and feel the benefits already! Also Richard Simmons has one called "Stretching to the Classic" Good Luck . . . Michele :)    — Michele D. (posted on April 12, 2003)

April 12, 2003
If you are able to stand and do exercises - try the video or DVD called Walk Away the Pounds with Leslie Sansone. A good work out and there are 1, 2 & 3 mile workouts. I got them as a DVD set with all of the above workouts. This is very easy on the joints and feet. She has a website also, try putting walk away the pounds into your search engine. She sells/talks about the walk away the pounds weighted balls that you can purchase, but I just used filled water bottles, the 1+ pint ones. This did the same thing, just slightly less weight. I bought my DVDs at Best Buy. Good Luck.
   — ChristineB

April 14, 2003
Michelle, my 2 best friends had their surgery through the Wish Center in Downers Grove IL and both of them were suggested by the center to do the chair aerobics. They purchased the videos from there. One of them sent me her video so that I could use it before surgery as well. I also used it for a while after surgery. It was great for when I was not able to tolerate standing for very long! Best of luck to you! God Bless! <><
   — garnet156

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