Has anyone experienced pregnancy while being morbidly obese?

I was planning on getting WLS in July. I just found out I am pregnant. This will be my third child. In my past two pregnancies I was not this overweight and out of shape. I am very concerned about difficulties this pregnancy will have on my baby and my body. It would help me so much to hear about others who have experienced this.    — Joleen M. (posted on March 20, 2002)

March 20, 2002
I have 3 kids, i was overweight with my first but not mo. I was with my second and third though, it was harder, especially in the third trimester, but I have friends who are mo and didnt have any problems with it at all, so I guess its like evrything else, we are all different! good luck with your baby.
   — rebecca N.

March 20, 2002
I was MO with my only pregnancy I was very active and did my best to eat heathly and such. I didnt run into any problems other than at delivery, I didnt progress past 5cm and had a c section, I was told that could have happened regardless of my weight but heavier women have a higher rate of sections. I had a healthy baby and a quick recovery from the c section. Best of luck to you :)
   — Laurie B.

March 20, 2002
I had a baby 6.5 months ago and was MO while pregnant. It was a difficult pregnancy but I did everything I could to keep as healthy as possible. Gave up caffeine and carbonation and ate healthy. I also forced myself to walk every day a few miles. If I didn't walk my feet, ankles and legs would swell terribly. I drank LOTS of water. I really think it helped me feel better. This was my 3rd pregnancy (other two kids are 16 and 13) and it was definately the hardest labor and delivery too. I think because I was so out of shape. But I only gained about 18 pounds and lost it right away. The doctor wanted to limit my weight gain to 15 pounds due to my weight. Good luck with your pregnancy and CONGRATULATIONS!
   — A. S.

March 20, 2002
i was mo with my only child and it was a high risk difficult preg. i thank god i had a great grp. of docs. i had bp problems and severe swelling of legs it was not fun to say the least. labor was induced baby delivered 4 weeks early. please take serious care of yourself and your baby congrats cb
   — Claudette B.

March 20, 2002
Congrats! I had a baby in June of 2000, and I weighed about 320. (I am 5 ft 10). I lost weight while pregnant, about 15 pounds, and it was a wonderful pregnancy. I did develop gestational diabetes toward the end, but that was the only thing that developed. Pregnancy was delightful for me, delivery was normal and run-of-the-mill. I believe I can attribute that to the great Dr. care I had.
   — Jennifer G.

March 20, 2002
Hi, I was over 300 lbs at the birth of my first three, and topped out at almost 400 when I gave birth to my 4th in June of 2000. The only real problems I had was swelling of my feet and ankles, and slightly elevated blood pressure. The best thing to do is not to diet, but eat correctly, drink a lot of water, give up salt as much as you can,and make sure you are under the care of a physician who has dealt with obese women and pregnancy. I walked a lot, gave up my soda habit, and did everything my doctor told me. My kids were all born healthy and are very healthy to this day. I can't say that my pregnancies were easy, because I was uncomfortable as heck, especially being so large, and swolen, but I made the best of it, and made sure I was eating for 2 and not 5 or 6 haha! Most of my weight gain was from swelling, and after I gave birth I went down to pre pregnancy weight almost immedietley, although that was still MO. Now as for the labor part, my labors were long and my doc said that was becuase I was obese, now whether or not that is true , I'm not sure, but I do know that I had no energy to do any of them (the labors) So that may be something you want to work on, stamina, and exercising, according to your doc, to get yourself in shape for the labor. E-mail me if you like
   — Carey N.

March 20, 2002
hi!, i just delivered on 12/24/01 and i did'nt have any problems except for a little pelvic pain from the added weight i started out at 322 and delivered at 336 being m/o my doctor reccomended me not to diet and for me to try not to gain more than 13 lbs it seems like a little but being overweight your baby really only needs about 13 lbs to be healthy says my dr. hope i've been of help!!!
   — Dia C.

March 20, 2002
I actually lost 35 pounds while pregnant. The Dr wasn't worried he just made sure I was eating he said the baby gets the nutrition first. I had morning sickness throughout my pregnancy. I ate right, walked and had a beautiful daughter with no complications.
   — Candace F.

March 20, 2002
I've been MO during all of my pregnancies.. They can be a little more complicated than a "thin" person's pregnancy, but while my second pregnancy was "ideal" hardly any complications, 2 hr labor, my third pregnancy was more complicated but 3 hr labor and healthy healthy child. I was 290 with the first pregnancy, 320 with the second, and 455 when I delivered the baby. Don't let people scare you because of your weight, it doesn't have to hinder a "normal" pregnancy, but if you're concerned see a "high risk" ob just in case. My PCP delivered my 3rd baby, but we had a "high risk" ob on stand by in case something went wrong. (My PCP couldn't do a c-section, we were expecting an 11 pound baby) Congratulations on your news! And Good luck on your journey, it doesn't have to end for this.. there's always after-baby. =)
   — Elizabeth D.

March 20, 2002
I think that most of us have had a baby while being MO. We were blessed enough to even get pregnant, because it's harder for MO to be fertile. My only problems were elevated blood pressure and swelling. I had just lost 50 pounds on Weight Watchers and weighed 280. I gained 33 pounds and had a c-section. I enjoyed my pregnancy! I actually got to eat whatever I wanted, of course I ate healthy and took my vitamins. I lost all of the weight the 1st month out, but because my eating habits had gotten worse with the pregnancy, I still had the habit and gained it all back. I was scared of diabetes and pre-eclempsia, but the Lord blessed me and I didn't have to deal with too many complications.
   — Stephanie N.

March 21, 2002
The only advice I can offer is to follow your Docs directions. I was miserable, Gestational Diabetes, Hypertension, Bed rest for a month. Excercise everyday (even if it is just walking) and eat healthy. I didn't follow directions like I should have in the beginning of my pregnancy and I regretted it. I hope all turns out well, congradulations!
   — M. S.

March 21, 2002
I had my first baby at age 30, and 290 lbs. Then I had three more babies, (at age 32, 34, and 36; four perfectly healthy babies in five years!), and I was between 320 and 350 lbs.....My pregancies were normal, healthy, happy and easy. I did have them all by C-Section but the reason was not related to obesity. I now have a 16, 15, 13 and 11 year olds - all normal weight and healthy. (And I am, 9 months post-OpenVBG, and down from 340 lbs in June of 2001, to 207 lbs today!!)
   — Cathy J.

March 21, 2002
Yes, I had both my babies while MO. I had terrible problems with both pregnancies, including gestational diabetes. I gained 85 pounds between the two of them. Both babies came early and were big. My 2nd weighed in at 9 lbs 14 oz nearly 4 weeks early. I developed toxemia, and my bp was stroke level. I was put in the hospital and not allowed to move for three days. They gave me steroids to develop her lungs and took her by c-section. She had developmental delays her first year, but is fine now. She was misdiagnosed with a rare leukodystrophy because of her delays, and thank God they were wrong. All the delays were caused ONLY from the early delivery. My ob tied my tubes after the 2nd pregnancy, because the difficulties only increase with each pregnancy. He did not think I would make it through another, and I was very fertile - got pregnant while on the pill FAITHFULLY both times. He attributed all my problems to morbid obesity. Best wishes, and I hope your experience is a wonderful one!
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 25, 2002
Yes I was MO while pregnant. I had several problems. I had a lot of swelling in my feet, diabetes, and high blood pressure. I also ended up with toxemia. The weight at time of delivery was 429 lbs. I had some issues there for a moment, but I stayed postive and tried to walk as much as I could and I drank water like I was in a desert. It's something to think about, before making the final decision.
   — TAMARA J.

July 4, 2002
I was 295# when I got pregnant with my baby and got up to 305# by the end. Although I have a family history of high blood pressure and diabetes, I exprienced none of these while pregnant (and still don't). I did have a traumatic birth, however: they had to use the vacuum to get her out and I had a bleed afterwards. But I think those probably had more to do with the epidural than the morbid obesity.
   — Patricia E.

January 25, 2006
I was MO with during my last two pregnancies. Except for trouble breathing, and additional aching and pain associated with the obesity, the pregnancies went pretty normal. I had to take Clomid to get pregnant, which caused me to gain even MORE weight. My first MO pregnancy ended with the birth of my son, who was born with a club foot, club leg, Hirschsprung's disease, and asthma. None of these can be attributed to Clomid or the MO, to my knowledge. Delivery had to be induced with pitocin and labor was very very long, but he is a wonderful 10-yr old now. My 8 yr old daughter's birth was also induced with pitocin, and there was a horrid issue with the epidural - but that was attributable to the anesthesiologist, not MO. Otherwise, everything was pretty good. With her, I really ate well, lots of veggies and fruits and felt very very good after the first trimester. Now I am 3 yrs+ post op and pregnant. I am excited and happy and a bit nervous, but this is a true miracle for me and I plan to take the best care of the baby and me that I can.
   — Dawn M.

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