Does anyone know how enzymes help us absorb vitamins better?

I am coming up on 2 years post op. I saw an informercial the other day for a new product which I cannot remember the name of, but they were saying how important enzymes are to help us metabolize our vitamins. I am having a particularly hard time with my arthritis and it is also supposed to help. The same doctor sells CALMAX which is a liquid form of calcium which I have been tempted to try, but have not found anyone who has. Can anyone enlighten me?    — Dot W. (posted on August 20, 2001)

August 20, 2001
Good evening! The reason we need enzymes is to break down the substances we ingest or eat if you will so we can absorb the nutrients. The process starts in the mouth which has enzymes, then stomach and intestines. Normally we have enough enzymes to cope with our normal food intake. Contact your Doctor and ask him if it would benefit you or not by using the product. Remember calcium citrate is absorbed better. Be careful about any product that is herbal because it could cause adverse affects such as with bleeding especially if on coumadin. I hope you find out your answer. Best wishes!!
   — Amy D.

August 20, 2001
It was explained to me that enzymes are like a key and nutrients are like a lock. Each type of nutrient has its specific enzyme that attaches to it, to help break it down, so it can be absorbed by your body. Sorry I don't know anything about the products you are talking about. IF you find out any information, please let me know.
   — alana P.

August 20, 2001
Good side, bad side. The reason we lose certain nutritional elements with RNY is because the food no longer passes through its former enzyme bath. It eventually mixes with a little of that cocktail, but later down the intestine. Good side--this is malabsorption, what we just fought the insurance and paid the big bucks to get. Bad side, 8 elements are messed with and will be absorbed from food sources only in varying degrees. So, if you then put BACK some of the enzymes, you are now UNDOING the malabsorption you just PAID to have installed. Someone in our local support group thought they should start taking the various enzymes to try to absorb more out of their vites. Of course, you cannot aim them like a bullet, so they just help EVERYTHING absorb. The labs didn't improve, but every single one gained weight. Not a lot, but even 1# is too many when you're trying to lose. Personally, I do not use these. I take what I need in the most absorbable form I can in the first place.
   — vitalady

August 21, 2001
Thank you for being here, Michelle, and for so generously sharing your knowledge with us. I learn so much from reading your posts. It's easy for us, once we begin to feel "normal" again, to forget how drastically we have altered our bodies, and to go back to some of our old ways of eating. I, for one, need to be constantly reminded to pay careful attention to my new nutritional requirements, and why. My doctor's office, although providing good follow-up care, can't provide as much information as we seem to require, and to remind me over and over again. Thank you thank you thank you.
   — Anne G.

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