Can I use an over the counter topical treatment?

My staples were removed Monday. The incision is healing, but there's one place that looks yucky (for lack of better word.) What can I use to help? My doctor said to just shower and go on as usual, but I always use something after my c-sections. Is this different? He did not see the yucky place. It has just developed.    — Tammy W. (posted on July 24, 2001)

July 24, 2001
Tammy, I had several areas on my incision that were open and sore. I used diluted peroxide and q-tips to clean them, and put mycitracin(sp)on with the bandaid. Best of Luck, and God Bless.
   — bek4901

July 25, 2001
So, why didn't you tell him how "yucky" the area is?????? He doesn't know there's a potential infection brewing.... perhaps if he did, he would prescribe a topical antibiotic for you.
   — [Anonymous]

July 25, 2001
Anonymous, if you have the need to post, then take the responsibility to at least leave your name. Re-read my post. The area just developed. Did you call your surgeon for everything? This site is designed to ask advice from those who have been through the surgery. My surgeon is 2 hours away. I can't just pay him a friendly visit, but if the area gets worse, I have the good sense enough to go to a doctor. This site is a friendly place, so keep your comments to yourself please.
   — Tammy W.

July 25, 2001
Tammy, in addition to the topical meds listed by the other people here, I've found that Bacitracin works well and so does the generic "Triple-Antibiotic Ointment" offered by most pharmacies and chains like Wal-Mart and K-Mart. It is best to cleanse the area first and rinse well before applying. Apply with a clean Q-Tip instead of fingers.
   — angelwomyn

July 25, 2001
I think I have agree with the anonymous poster on this issue. when in doubt, it's always safer to call the surgeon's office before self-medicating. Post-op infections are no fun and often can be avoided if attended to early. I don't think anyone would think you were over-reacting by calling about a leaky incision.
   — margaret N.

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