Has anyone developed a lump on top of their scar?

Ok I know this is going to sound wierd and I searched the database and couldn't find anything that related to my problem. I had Open rny 5/21/01. About 2 weeks ago I started to develop this soft skin tag on top of my scar at the very top (under breast bone). Originally after surgery I couldn't wear a bra because the underwire would aggravate this area. This skin tag (for lack of a better term) had gotten big then started to oooze somewhat. I have kept a band-aid over it and it has shrunk but it is still there. Has anyone else ever gotten one of these? What is it? I have an appt. for the end of this week with my Dr. but I thought I would throw it out there and see if anyone could relate to this. Thanks in advance. BTW it isn't painful or sore, it's just pinkish red.    — [Anonymous] (posted on July 16, 2001)

July 15, 2001
I'm not sure I've got the same thing as you, but my scar is thick. That is, especially in the morning when I wake up it looks just like someone put a big juicy earth worm on it. It sticks "up" from my stomach. Very gross. It is "always" like that in the morning. The rest of the day it looks like it is strecthed outward....
   — Danmark

July 16, 2001
Maybe it's a keloid?? But then again, if you have any fluid in it, it may not be. Good luck!
   — sgeisendorff

July 16, 2001
It may be an incision infection. I also had what you described and called my doctor and the PA at the office said it was just the scar tissue. I accepted that explanation and it turned out that a few days later it started to ooze and I went to the doctor and he siad I had a wound infection. He had to open it up and I have had a nurse coming daily to drain and pack it. It has been six weeks and they have had to re-open it twice. From everything I have read it takes a while, but the most important thing is to keep draining the infection. I am not saying this is what you have, but if it is still "oozing" I would get to your doctor sooner. He may have to open it up. I don't think it is normal for a healthy incision to be oozing anything, so please call the doctor, you can never be too careful! Good Luck
   — Vicki K.

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