Should I take the shot?

I have been bleeding for 8 weeks not and my OB/GYN talked about me having a Hysterectomy at first but now he wants to try the Depo-Provera shot. I am planning to have WLS in 2 weeks. I have Polysystic-Ovarian Syndrome that is why I have been bleeding for so many weeks. We have got my blood level back up so I can have my surgery. I am not sure what I need to do. I have never taken the depo shot before and have heard alot of bad stuff about it. He has had me on Provera for 1 week 2x a day and I have almost stopped bleeding now. I am not sure what to do. I go Friday the 13 to see my weight loss Dr. and to find out if my blood level is high enough to have surgery. I need all the prayers and help I can get. I am lost on what to do. Please email me if you have been there or if you know of any place on the internet that I can go and do some reading about it. Thanks [email protected]    — Terri W. (posted on July 11, 2001)

July 11, 2001
Why not ask him about the Lunelle shot. It is a monthly shot and doesnt have the major weight gain side effect that the depo provera shot has. I have been on the Lunelle shot since April and I have done really well with it and I like it pretty well.
   — Robin C.

July 11, 2001
I started Lunelle post-op. I would go with this as there have been no side effects for me and regulated me the first month on it. My doc recommended it before DP due to fewer side effects.
   — Lisa B.

July 11, 2001
Hi Terri, I have been on the Depo shot for 7 1/2 yrs and I absolutely love it. However, I gained 52 lbs in the first 11 months on it. I have decided to go off as even that is no guarantee to loose the weight. I had my last shot just prior to surgery and was due last week for a new one. I have opted to go off. Why try to lose the weight if the shot is potentially keeping me overweight(for me). Best wishes
   — Linda M.

July 12, 2001
I stopped having my period immediately after beginning the shot, so it worked well for me. I have been on it for four years--I gained a lot of weight the first year (about 40lbs), but since then the weight gain has leveled off. I have examined all of the options and will probably stay on Depo because gaining 5lbs/year is better than getting pregnant the first year of WLS. But your question wasn't about birth control. As I said, the bleeding stopped for me immediately and never returned, not even spotting. Good luck!
   — PT LawMom

July 12, 2001
I had that shot done a few times before I finally had my hysterectomy. It worked the first time but didn't work so well to stop bleeing the second time. All I can say is go for it.. just be prepared to be pretty emotional. It kinda gets you into a menopausal state and its pretty rough for a bit.
   — Dawn R.

July 12, 2001
Have you spoken to your WLS surgeon? Mine told me I shouldn't take hormones of any kind for a month before the surgery due to the increased possibility of blood clots. Be sure to ask your surgeon before making a final decision. By the way, I've used Depo Provera for 7 years. I had some weight gain but the freedom from bleeding (just minor spotting once in awhile) is so wonderful!
   — [Anonymous]

July 12, 2001
I took my hormones right up until surgery and then right afterwards, no problems. Have you asked about having the hysterectomy and WLS at the same time? My surgeon does gastric bypass, removes gallbladder and appendix, ties tubes, fixes hernias, everything all at once -- of course, he's a general surgeon too and was the head surgeon of a teaching hospital too. Best wishes! (Its great not to have a uterus anymore!)
   — Cindy H.

July 14, 2001
I manage a family planning clinic and we have many clients on Depo Provera. I too have been on it for 5 years. But what concerns me is why does your Doctor think that Depo will stop the bleeding? One of the most common side effect of Depo is the irregular bleeding. Some women like myself don't have any bleeding at all, and they are usually the ones who love it, but we have many clients that discontinue the Depo due to constant bleeding, and I mean constant...3-4 weeks at a time on and off for the 12 weeks. There is another shot available now also distributed by Pharmacia. It is a monthly injection called Lunelle and is much like oral contraceptives. You should inquire about that. I don't know if it will help but good luck.
   — Kim F.

July 14, 2001
I have been on depo for over 5 years becuase of my uncontrolable bleeding (hopitalized several times) I get 400 ml of Depo every three months (150 ml is the standard). It has been working fine until my surgery on June 14, 2001. I have had what I consider a period for over a week which I have never had in all these years. I think it has to do with the heperin shots they gave me to to keep from clotting my blood. I see the Dr tomorrow to find out what he thinks. But if the 150ml doesnt work ask about the 400ml. It saved me from a hysterectomy.
   — Mattsmom34

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