Has anyone tried the new

I am having WLS surgery on 7-30-01 and am very concerned about having excess flab on my stomache, arms and thighs after weight loss. I fully intend to exercise, drink water and do all those other things people have recommended to tighten excess skin. My question is, I've been hearing about these new body toning lotions and am wondering if they would help as well. I don't have the $ for plastic surgery. By the way, I'm 38 years old, am5'4" and weigh 285# (much of which is in my belly). Thanks for any input.    — Karen R. (posted on July 4, 2001)

July 4, 2001
Save your hard earned $$$ regarding those toning lotions. IF they really worked you'd be hearing all kinds of good stuff from everyone here, but I haven't heard a thing. Nor have I heard anything from all my "fluffy" friends or ladies at work...therefore, they do NOT work. I've also heard women on TV say they don't work. Nothing except exercise or surgery gets rid of excess skin. Good luck!
   — [Anonymous]

July 4, 2001
i started at 5'3 290 and am currently at 193.( 8 months post op). i usually wouldnt tell someone about certain exercise gadgets but i am having the best luck with the ab-doer. it selsls for $99 at our target store i do it 4 times a week and have lost on the average of 3-4 inches a month off my ab for the 2 months i have been doing it, walking will definetly so your legs(its free--hee hee) and for the arms-get out those canned veggies and do side and above the head lifts. dont waist your money on creams my sister has spent tons on it and its not worth it and not working--feel free to email me ----best wishes
   — Nancy S.

July 4, 2001
Exercise and surgery is probably the only way to get rid of the excess skin, but as a licensed Esthetician (skincare specialist) I will have to say that lotions designed to help with cellulite and crepiness of the skin do help on the surface area. The skin's appearance is improved, but excersize is going to be the key "ingredient". The reason why the creams fail is because the expectation we have of them is unrealistic....they are not going to rub the flab away! My suggestion to you would be to find a firming lotion that you like and use it. When skin is moist and healthy it is elastic where as dry skin is weak, fragile, and more susceptible to tearing. Use a loofah or brush in the shower to exfoliate (2-3 times a week). Getting rid of the excess dead skin cells gives your skin a healthier glow and allows for better penetration of your moisturizer. Once out of the shower, use your lotion all over! I do this to love my body. I have been morbidly obese for so long, and had such low self esteem for so long that I never took care of my body. I always thought it was ugly. If you stop and think about it, as post-ops we are starving our bodies and that is a big stress for it. Let's take a little time to take care of it and love it from the outside. :) Please feel free to email me if you have any questions. The shower gel and lotion I use is by Jergens. It's the firming formula which has seaweed extracts (which is wonderful for your skin) and I use a loofah washcloth with the shower gel. It has a clean scent and is not greasy at all! It has not rubbed my flab away, but my skin sure looks good and feels good. :)
   — Marisa P.

July 5, 2001
It really depends on you and your body... At one point in time I weighed 400#s and didnt have one bit of saggy skin after I had lost 200 of it,
   — MerkMerk

July 5, 2001
It really depends on you and your body... At one point in time I weighed 400#s and didnt have one bit of saggy skin after I had lost 200 of it,I worked out 6 days a week with weights and I swam a couple times a week at the gym. The key is not to let the skin get saggy.. As soon as you can start to work out regulary I recommend doing it. This way you are toning and your skin will not sag. I hope this helps. Sorry about the incomplete post before this one.
   — MerkMerk

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