PCP has recommended glucose tolerance test to determine if low sugar

was the culprit of collapse - episodes of severe weakness, dizziness, difficulty in breating... My blood work came back all normal including protein. PCP has ruled out low protein and suggested this BG test. I am concerned since we are not suppose to have sugar (had roux-en-y 8 months ago). In addition, even if tolerance is abnormally low, what could be done for me anyway? What does one do to raise blood glucose levels? Eat sweets? Have sent a message to my surgeon and am hopeful he will comment and advise me .... in the meantime, any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you.    — Rene` B. (posted on June 14, 2001)

June 14, 2001
Look up Hypoglycemia on the Web. It isn't sugar that is the culprit, it is carbohydrates. A Hypoglycemia Diet is more structured. Good Luck --
   — CohenHeart

June 15, 2001
Even though your doctor ruled out low protein, I would suggest more protein in your diet, less carbs, this is basically how they treat hypoglycemia anyway. A freind of mine has this and when she has an attact she usually eats like a good piece of cheese or meat. Protein raises the blood sugar and keeps it at a higher level for a longer period of time. Hope this helps, good luck.
   — Lisa B.

June 17, 2001
Rene', Take a look at the web site and then scroll down on the left to the For Doctors Only section. You answer is under the heading Side Effects. You may want to recommend this site to your PCP to help educate him. Good luck!
   — Alicia V.

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