Has anyone been on perscription iron and seen your counts go down?

I am almost 8 months post-op. Right after my surgery I started on multi-vitamins with iron. At some point (I forget exactly when) my dr put me on a very high dosage of regular store bought iron, in addition to the multi vit. Then at about 5 months post-op, my hemoglobin and such were still nosediving, so she switched it to a perscription iron called Fe-tinic 150 Forte (anyone ever heard of it?) Anyway, I've been on it for 3 months, and I just went in to have it rechecked, and it's even lower tehn it was befor. My hemoglobin is like 10. Anyone have any suggestions?    — tlg6056 (posted on June 13, 2001)

June 14, 2001
I think my question got lost the other day. Please tell me that somebody has a suggestion or two?!?!
   — tlg6056

June 14, 2001
Tammy, I also have a severe iron problem and yes, my count kept going down even though I was on HEAVY doses of iron. My count finally went to 4.3 and I was rushed to the hospital in november for blood transfusions. I now have iron injections every week (not B12 but pure iron) and my count is only at 9.8. This is after 5 months of injections. Better than 4.3 but certainly not good. The doctor doesn't know if it will ever get "normal" again. I don't know what to tell you but, I know that the injections have helped although not as much as I would have liked. I had the BPD/DS by the way not the RNY which I don't think causes these kinds of problems so much.
   — Barbara H.

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