does anyone have more joint pain post op?

I am 9 months post op and down 108 lbs. I noticed that I still have a lot of knee and hip pain. It seems to be bothering me even more as of late. Has anyone else noticed more pain after they have lost a significant amount of weight?    — [Anonymous] (posted on May 30, 2001)

May 30, 2001
quite the opposite
   — Cindy H.

May 30, 2001
My knee pain went away, but I had other twinges and pangs that I didn't expect (they've gone away now as well). <p> I have a totally unresearched theory about this: After a significant amount of weight loss, I think your skeletal system has to adjust to less pressure, and bearing less weight. Perhaps, it is trying move back to where it belongs? This is based on my experience one year after giving birth - I would be walking and all of a sudden would have sharp pains in my pubic bone. Because the pelvis widens to prepare for delivery, I think it also tries to move back into place. <p> Also, are you having unusually wet weather this spring? We just had 8 days of COLD rain in Michigan and everyone I know had their knees and backs acting up. <p> Hope you feel better!
   — Allie B.

May 30, 2001
Are you taking the right calcium? For the first 3 months after my surgery I took Tums until I noticed my joints started really hurting. I switch to the Calcium Citrate and noticed the difference almost immediately.
   — Helen C.

May 30, 2001
I'm with you. For the last 2 months (I'm now 7 1/2 post-op) my hip pain has been almost unbearable. To the point where my dr has told me to avoid any unnecessary walking, no going to the gym, minimal things at the pool, etc. I've been going to PT for about the last 6 weeks, and that seems to be helping some. The only thing that I can think of is that we do so much walking and so forth as we become post-op and more active,that perhaps it's because our joints aren't used to it? Anyway, I don't have an answer for you, but you might consider checking with your dr and trying PT.
   — tlg6056

May 30, 2001
I thought that I was the only one who had this. My hips hurt so bad and they were the one thing on my body that did not hurt pre-surgery. I am finding that bike riding is helping ease the pain alittle.
   — Tracy C.

May 31, 2001
I'm also 9 months post op and have noticed a significant increase in the amount of pain I've had recently. I have bursitis in both my hips and the worst area of inflamation is in the sub-trochanteric bursa which is on the back of the top of the femur - in other words I end up sitting on it a lot. I think that since I don't have all the padding that I used to have I sit on it gets irritated more - lol!
   — georgiacarol

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