Does anyone know if there is such a thing as a protein pill supplement?

I simply can't stomach the protein drinks. Any suggestions appreciated.    — Rene` B. (posted on May 28, 2001)

May 28, 2001
I can't handle any of the protein drinks either. I have tried about all of them and even have mixed them with different things. I can't seem to get even 1/8 of it down. I posted a question about a week ago asking if there was any protein supplement that was tasteless which mixed with food or drinks. I received 2 responses suggesting the same thing. You can go to and they have a supplement called Procell that is suppose to be tasteless. I haven't tried it yet, but it is on order. Good luck!
   — jennysayer

May 28, 2001
Protein pills are not here yet, except for the 1/2g model and I'm not even sure if the protein in them is bioavailable to us. There are TONS (justin powders, there are over 100)of drinks out there that work. You didn't say which you've tried or how you've made them up. You may be mixing them with something that doesn't agree or making too much at one time. I've heard the ProCel is tasteless, however, one serving is only 5g of protein, so you need to use a LOT of powder to get a reasonable serving.
   — vitalady

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