For Those Considering Plastic Surgery...Tips on Medical Necessity

I am in a helluva fight with my insurance company. Here are conditions to warrant medical necessity:<br><br>Abdominoplasty is considered reconstructive when performed to correct or relieve structural defects of the abdominal wall (ICD-9: 701.8/708.9) and/or chronic low back pain (ICD-9: 724.1) due to functional incompetence of the anterior abdominal wall. These conditions may be caused by:<br><br>1. Permanent overstretching of the anterior abdominal wall following one or more pregnancies; (ICD-9: 701.8.701.9).<br><br>2. Permanent overstretching (with or without diastasis recti (ICD-9: 928.84) of the anterior abdominal wall with a large or long abdominal panniculus (ICD-9: 278.1) following weight loss in the treatment of morbid obesity and resulting in the uncontrollable intertrigo (crease dermatitis, ICD-9: 692.9) and/or difficult ambulation (ICD-9 724.8).<br><br>3. Trauma or surgery to the anterior wall of the abdomen resulting in loss of muscle of fascial integrity or pain from scar contracture (ICD-9: 709.2).<br><br>4. Abdominal hernia following previous abdominal surgery (ICD-9: 553.201, 553.21).<br><br>Hope this helps some of you to avoid what I am currently battling. Good luck.    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on April 9, 2001)

April 9, 2001
Bless you Denise, this was exactly what I was looking for!!!!
   — Crystal F.

April 9, 2001
Denise...I am still pre-op...but am collecting everything now sot 18 months down the road...I will have my chit together....thank you for the information!! Love Ya, Karan
   — chance2lv

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