Does obesity cause irregular periods?

I have had irregular periods for the past 8 years. Sense my 3 child was born. I thought it was because of having 3 children in 3 years, being on norplant (gained 60-80 lbs on norplant,) (I am approximatly 155 lbs over weight now.)which caused me to have 3 blood clots in my lung. I may have one period in a year and I may have none. Because of blood clots Dr. can't put me on hormones or birth control pills. I had a tubal after my 4th child so I don't worry about that. I guess I'm just wondering if it possible for this to be a co-morbity????    — [Anonymous] (posted on March 31, 2001)

March 31, 2001
Yes it can cause irregular peroids. It cas also completely stop them. Your best bet would be to see a OBGYM and have an evaluation. I haven't had a peroid for years so my Dr. put me on provaria for ten days. A few days following I will start. I do this ever quarter so I have a peroid 4X a year.
   — lawanda101

March 31, 2001

   — Patty E.

March 31, 2001
Before I had my surgery October 12, 2000 I had my period once, maybe twice a year. Since my surgery I have had it every month! Obesity definitely affects your period.
   — Helen C.

April 1, 2001
Yep, I am a testament to this problem. I also had one to two periods per year. Since the surgery, they have returned to almost every month since october. It was nice not to be bothered for so many months but most definately not good for my health.
   — Jan M.

April 10, 2001
Estrogen can be stored in the fat cells of our bodies and can cause imbalances. Even during the rapid weightloss after surgery, while the fat is being eliminated so is the excess estrogen which can then cause imbalances until it levels out. So my suggestion to you would be to check with your gyn dr to see if he/she thinks you may need a hormone test. But weightloss may also help. Good luck.
   — Pamela W.

November 5, 2001
I am 21 and have no periods at all and I never have. Unless on hormones and birth control. My doctor listed amennorea (prob not spelled right) as a reason for my surgery, also sleep apnea, depression, arthritis. Anyway my surgery was approved today. So yes it can be used as a co-morbid.
   — spatricknm

October 12, 2003
I would go to your OBGYN and request to be tested for Polycystic ovarian syndrome... lack of menstruation or excessive menstruation is one of the symptoms.
   — DixiePop

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