Where can I see before and after pictures of people who have had excess skin removal?

I know i will want a tummy tuck, and now i am thinking a breast lift, I am even wondering about my flabby arms. I would love to see before and after pictures of people who have had this work done. Does anyone know of any sites? Thank you very much    — Michelle S. (posted on March 5, 2001)

March 5, 2001
Go to and type in Plastic Surgery for the search. You'll get tons of search results.
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 5, 2001
When you begin having consults with plastic surgeons they will show you before and after slides of the procedures you are interested in. I have had the redundant skin on my arms, breasts, neck and stomach reduced and scheduling my inner thighs, outer thighs and butt in the near future. I've been treated to slide shows of all these procedures and I'm sure my before and afters will be entertaining others soon. I'm more than pleased with the results.
   — Jill L.

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