Does anyone have this problem post Gall Bladder removal?

I had my lap Gall bladder sugery in '93, and have since forgetten what the prediction then were going to be about post sugery digestion changes. I was expecting them so it wasnt a big deal. But now that I have read so much about dumping sydrome with sugars and late dumping possibly with carbs and lactose problmes... could this be the same problem with post gall bladder sugery>.... 1-2 hrs after a fatty meal or one with carbs and milk... urgent need for a bm of loose stool and a light headed feeling. Is that dumping? If so... has anyone experienced that pre op but also have a BPD/DS? Did the surgery correct or make it worse?    — X X. (posted on February 18, 2001)

February 18, 2001
Yes, it is somewhat similar. I had my gallbladder removed about 13 years prior to RNY. I thought I had developed irritable bowel syndrom after the gallbladder surgery, but it also could have been a side effect of the surgery. Dumping is kinda like that, only WORSE! and with BPD/DS, it won't get worse, cause I've been told they don't dump -- that's a common RNY side effect.
   — Cindy H.

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