Any body have delayed dumping symptoms?

I had open RNY 1/13/00. I have lost 99.5#. I only needed to lose 100, so I'm at goal. I wear a size 6. I was very scared of dumping the first 8-9 months post op and didn't even try the waters. Over the last few months and especially this month, I've tried a few sweets. I thought maybe I wasn't going to dump. I haven't eaten much, a few cookies, a couple of M&M's,or one or two of those minature candy bars. Before if I tasted a sweet, I'd eat it after a meal, and then only a bite. I've become a little more risky lately and have eaten it alone. I seemed to have no problem. Except lately I have had what I think is a delayed "dumping reaction". XMAS Eve I had 2 mixed drinks with real coke(hadn't had that before, I know bad girl), a few cookies, spinach dip(real sour cream & Mayo). Next morning, terrible stomach pains and loose BM's. I felt a little bad after after eating maybe too much spincah dip. I think the mayo was too fatty. I ate about 5 little XMAS cookies the size of nickles last night, about 10 M&M's. The same thing happened this morning. I'm usually constipated so this is new to me. Does anyone else have delayed reactions? The only food that immediately bothers me when Ieat it is fried chicken skin. I can't tolerate even a little bit. I don't want to lose anymore weight. I'm as small as I've ever been. I'm still mantaining my loss and I quess I'm testing the waters to see what I can and can't do. I know that what I've eaten is minimal to what I used to eat. I want to find the diet plan that can maintain my present weight. I still eat protein first, drink my water. Lou Ann    — Lou Ann J. (posted on December 26, 2000)

December 26, 2000
Hi Lou Ann~ I too have trouble with the "delayed" dumping if I have a "bad girl" night LOL I am usually consitpated as well so I know that in the morning when I have the stomach cramps and feel horrible, I know it was probably something I ate that I wasn't supposed to. Although, I can say sometimes things that I'm supposed to avoid go down all right, but then there are times when my body protests against the same thing and I dump. I guess it is when my body feels like it can tolerate sugar or fat it will cooperate LOL I can eat just about anything, within moderation of course, except really fatty food. Phew, that gives me a horrible case of dumping syndrome. Hope this help knowing that someone else is experiencing it too. I am glad you posted this b/c I too wondered the same thing. BTW, I saw your picture and you look fantastic! Keep up the good work =o) Hugs~
   — Marni

December 26, 2000
Hi Lou Ann, I too have experience this just last night I ate some sugar cookies and paid for it all last night. I am 8 1/2 months post op and didn't think I would get sick if I ate a few cookies. I didn't get sick per se but I did have Stomach ache all night. So I know I won't eat that for a while.
   — Sharon T.

December 26, 2000
I don't think what you are describing is really "dumping syndrome". Dumping syndrome takes place in the beginning of your small intestine and has to do with sudden changes in blood sugar and blood pressure. These other delayed symptoms are coming from somewhere lower in your digestive tract. That doesn't mean you should keep eating these things. They don't agree with your body, and your body is telling you that. I have had similar reactions to fatty or sugary foods too, and ironically, seem to lose a couple of pounds whenever it happens, but I also feel sick and crampy, so I don't want to do it again any time soon.
   — Lynn K.

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