
Hi. I was wondering if anyone has tried a liquid protein? Like drops that you get from GNC? Please help! Thanks    — [Anonymous] (posted on July 1, 2000)

July 1, 2000
Yes I have tried GNC Pure Protein (I think it's called) which comes in a liquid format Cherry flavored. I tried it because other folks said it was similiar to Kool Aid. I am here to tell you it wasn't even close. It tasted like cough syrup. I have tried numerous protein drinks and still haven't found one that's acceptable. Good luck, to you but I am taking mine back to GNC for a refund.
   — Jonna B.

July 2, 2000
I tried numerous types of Protein. Did not like the cherry liquid (tasted horrible) but we all know that our taste change after surgery and what's good to one may not be to another. I found that I like the Met RX Protein Plus - Milk Chocolate I mix it with about 8-10 ozs of water and this makes about 16 ozs. It taste really good. They also have a butter vanilla floavor and strawberry cream. The vanilla is good if I mix it with 2 scoops vanilla, i scoop chocolate and 4 strawberries. Taste like a melt banana split and oh so good. You might asked for a sample size at GNC to try. It has abou 210 calories, but the othe designer proteins had 190. I was not taking in any with that stuff could not stand it. really love the MET RX Protein Plus. It's low Lactose and low sugar per serving. Just thought I'd added my little say. Thanks for your time.
   — ann A.

July 2, 2000
I mix the cherry flavored liguid protein made by Challenge at GNC with Crystal Light, and I can tolerate it ok. It was better than the other stuff I was trying.
   — Paula G.

July 2, 2000
I like Ultra Pure Protein (NOT THE SAME AS PURE PRO) at GNC. It comes in chocolate, strawberry, Ice Cream vanilla, and cuppacino. It costs $2.69 at GNC, tastes better cold and NOT out of the can- pour it in a glass. It has 35 gr of protein, 180 calories, 1.5 gr fat, 4 carbs, and is 12 oz. a serving. I sip it for my breakfast and am over half way on protein for the day. Good Luck!
   — M B.

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