6 weeks Until Surgery...Need Advice on Pre-Op Weight Loss

My mind is boiling with questions today! I am getting obsessed! LOL. With death still so close to my heart (check my profile for those responding who don't know), I want to be in the best possible condition prior to surgery. My BMI is 53 and, although my surgeon hasn't told me to, I really would like to lose weight prior to surgery to aid in my recovery. Many of you have been required to do so - will you please share your method? Some have used Optifast, but that is not covered under my insurance, although WLS is. Makes sense, since in my mind, a liquid diet would be something to do only temporarily. I've heard SlimFast is high in sugar, or calories, or something. Can anyone make some recommendations? Anyone willing to part with their leftover Optifast at a discounted cost? Other ideas? THANKS FOR YOUR PATIENCE TODAY!    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on March 15, 2000)

March 15, 2000
Denise, please be careful dieting before surgery! I know you want to go in in the best possible shape you can, but if you diet too severly before surgery, your immune system, as well as other systems may be compromised when you need them the most to recover from your surgery. After WLS surgery, your body will not be taking in much nutrition for a while and will count on the storage it has. If you start to deplete that storage before surgery, you may have trouble healing. You can always start cutting fat and sugar now if you want to. The advice I received from a Dr. in the chat room was to do this: 1. Quit smoking if you are curently smoking. 2. Start exercising to increase your circulation and over all health before surgery. 3. Take vitamins. 4. Eat MORE protein the 3-4 days prior to surgery so your body will have some in its system for the surgery and the days immediately following surgery. Protein is not stored efficiently by the body, so eating it right before surgery will help you heal. Anyway, this is what I learned in the chat room. I followed his advice and did well. I personally think the exercise is the biggie- so I just walked the 3 weeks before surgery, and my recovery was relatively easy.
   — M B.

March 15, 2000
Denise, my surgeons pre op advise for conditioning was to walk as much as I could. This helps with your lungs and should also help with losing a few lbs. As for pre-op diet - I would try Atkins low carb, high protein - this is closest to how I eat post op and you could most definitely lose a few lbs. Marjie Wassermann, Lansdale PA
   — Marjie W.

March 15, 2000
Try Designer Protein. I buy mine from It contains 17g protein,3 g carbs all in 90 cals. It has the best mixability and texture.Good luck to you.
   — DENISE S.

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