Eating Habits and Dumping Syndrome

How does drinking diet soda...I'm addicted, affect over all weight loss and dumping syndrome? Hoyin    — Hoyin R. (posted on March 6, 2000)

March 6, 2000
Most surgeons recommend you give up diet sodas completely as the carbonation stretches your pouch. The other chemical ingredients can hinder your weight loss as well. My surgeon recommends total abstinence, but says if I have a craving to let it go flat. Flat?! Yuk, no thanks. I love DDP, but know it will become a thing of the past after April 26! Small price to pay for me. :-)
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 6, 2000
I had the DS, and I haven't had any problems with diet soda at all.
   — Kim H.

March 6, 2000
HI! I am just over 5 months post op... I was totally addicted (terribly) to regular Pepsi before the surgery... I craved it for about a week after my surgery... My feelings of pop have changed, and I really don't even crave the taste of it anymore, I have tasted my hubbies pepsi one and it was really too strong for me... I think once you have your sugery things will change, you may still crave the pop, but once you drink it, (flat) the taste is not the same! best wishes!
   — Jamie T.

March 6, 2000
My doctor told me to take a bottle of carbonated soda and open it then put a condom over the open top. This is what it does to your stomach. I did it and it made a believer out of me. I do not wish to stretch my little pouch. I do not want to do this again under any circumstances.
   — [Anonymous]

March 6, 2000
Anonymous, only one way I can answer that one... Cool!!!!
   — Victoria B.

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