How much is OK to have (1/2 cup or more)?

I am about 6 weeks post-op and I am craving foods that have a fresh vegetable taste -- such as salads or bean/pasta salads with fresh vegetables. I made a black-eyed pea salad that had several chopped vegetables in it. I did not have trouble eating it. I haven't yet tried a salad with lettuce and I'm wondering how much is OK to have. 1/2 a cup of lettuce (including the other vegetables -- tomatoes,cucumbers, etc.)? or is more OK. I currently limit myself to 1/2 cup of food per meal. Let me know your experiences. Thanks!    — FoxyLibrarian (posted on December 28, 1999)

December 28, 1999
Steph, by the way, what is the recepe for the pea salad you made--sounds good!
   — Susan F.

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