Has anyone who had irritable bowel syndrome prior to surgery had any changes in it

following the procedure, like improvements or worsening of the symptoms?    — Sarah D. (posted on July 30, 1999)

July 30, 1999
Sarah, Go into the Information Library on this site and under "Health Related", scroll down till you see IBS & WLS. I asked this question last month and had some great responses. Feel free to email - I am pre-op and have had this condition for 3 years. Take care,
   — Peri B.

July 30, 1999
prior to my bypass I was always constipated which made the iritable bowel syndrome worse. Since the bypass I have not been bothered by either. Good Luck
   — Kim C.

July 30, 1999
Yes indeed, I had IBS sooooo bad before and found that others complained of diarrhea following RNY but found that it solved my problem. e-mail me if you would like.
   — Peggy W.

July 30, 1999
I had IBS especially with milk products and greasy food prior to surgery. Since surgery I do not have that pain/diarrhea. Hope this answers your question.
   — Penny W.

July 30, 1999
i was pleasantly surprised that my IBD actually improved....of course the down side is my use of air fresheners and toilet paper has gone up!!!! i only have 1-2 Bms a day now.....thank God!!!!!
   — LINDA L.

July 30, 1999
I don't have it at all now. Probably because I'm eating a lot less fat. It used to cause big problems. Now I'm just constipated and have to take metamucil every night. At least I have no more intestinal cramps. Diane
   — Diane N.

July 30, 1999
YES! I was diagnosed with IBS at age 36. I struggled along, doing what they said with no change. Then, JUST before surgery, I got into some sour milk. EWWWW! Couldn't stand the thought of milk for a few weeks. Then went back to it. Guess what? My IBS came back the very day I started back on milk. So, yes, since I won't touch milk with a 10 foot pole (fear of wt gain), I suddenly have no IBS. What a coincidence. In theory, 80% of Caucasians are lactose intolerant by age 40 (by age 18 if not Cauc). So, test it. Do without milk 'n ice cream for a week, then go back on. See what happens to your IBS, then you'll know. Caution: some people didn't experience any relief from IBS, but their allergies went away instead! Hahaha!
   — vitalady

July 31, 1999
I had irritable bowel before surgery and worried that the diarrhea would be uncontrolable but alas post op everything went well. The problem is now, at 3 months po, totally gone. I retired from a very stressful job just before surgery so that may have contributed to the cure. Good luck just avoid any gas forming foods along with milk and sugar.
   — Anna D.

July 31, 1999
I had irritable bowel before I had the surgery. It was to the point that if I went out to dinner with my husband we couldn't do anything else after it because I would have to get right home when I was finished eating. I would dread when we'd go to dinner with friends because they would ask us to come back to their house for coffee and I would need to get to a bathroom and I didn't want it to be in someone else's home. Since I had the VBG (vertical banded gastroplasty) in November of 1997 I rarely ever get diarrhea anymore. I don't know if it's because I eat so much less or if it's because of the foods I eat now. I do try to eat healthier than I did when I was heavier. But I really think it has more to do with the amount of food that I eat at one time. Plus I take longer to eat now so the food isn't constantly being dumped into my stomache and then my intestines. So actually I'm more constipated now than anything else.
   — Donna C.

August 1, 1999
I had IBS pre-WLS. I have not had omce bout with it since my VCBG in July of 98. So far so Good!! Good Luck!!
   — Donna D.

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