9 days post-op and just starting coughing - should I be really worried?

Had an open VBG and no complications really. feeling pretty good. A couple of days ago I started getting this tickly throat feeling and then I have to cough - it seems to be getting worse. I'm worried I could rupture something. Any thoughts or suggestions?    — Paula F. (posted on August 20, 2005)

August 20, 2005
Congrats on your VBG! I hope you lose all the weight that you desire. The cough may be nothing more than an aggravation, but there is always the possibility of pneumonia. I had pneumonia a few years ago, and the only symptom I had was a progressively worsening cough. Don't mess around with this. Contact your surgeon or your regular doctor, but have it checked out before it has a chance to get worse. Best of luck to you! Sherry
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 20, 2005
Hi, I agree with Sherry, check with your doctor! Just in case it is an infection. I had surgery 2-2-05 and it took my throat almost 6 weeks to feel better again.. but I wasn't coughing, just sore throat,, best of succes to you! Cathy
   — mrsbrown42

August 21, 2005
Hey there-I too just had a open RNY. I too had the same feeling but the cough never got worse it was just that I wasn't getting enough fluid. At night when I go to bed I make sure that I have a small bottle of water with me so that when I wake up I can take a sip and go back to sleep. DO TALK TO YOUR SURGEON/NURSE AND CHECK TO MAKE SURE IT DOES NOT TURN INTO PNEUMONIA. Best of Luck to You.
   — 1968 Loser

August 21, 2005
And until you get to see someone, hold a pillow over your stomach area to help support when you cough.
   — Jenny X.

August 21, 2005
I too went through the same thing. It did last for a while and I would evently throw up because of it. I would try to get more fluid down. It did pass, but it took a while..
   — WilsonCrimson

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