Protein drinks causing constipation.

I am waiting to be approved for surgery and have started to increase my protein drinks. However, they cause me serious constipation. Any suggestions to 'eliminate' this problem? (sorry for the pun)    — coG627 (posted on August 19, 2005)

August 19, 2005
What products are you using and how do you make them up?
   — vitalady

August 19, 2005
I am using Herbalife protein drink mix. Other folks have reccommended using prune juice and I have. It seems to be working for me.
   — coG627

August 20, 2005
I understand your problem. I am 9 months out from surgery and have this problem, too. I was always constipated before surgery and the after-surgery issue has just increased. On advice from my doctor, I started taking metamucil. Now, I hate the liquid stuff and it's hard to drink it quickly enough to keep down the gag reflex. I eat the metamucil cookies. I know it sounds weird. . .but they actually taste good. They have a couple of flavors and come in a one-dose pack of two cookies. I eat one cookie in the morning. . .and one in the afternoon. They are nice little snacks and help keep me 'regular'. Of course, my regularity is about once every two days. . . without the cookies, I have gone as long as 5 days without evacuating. . .and that ain't fun! Good luck.
   — lizryan

August 20, 2005
Hi, Metamucil is a great way to get fiber and keep you regular. Make sure you take it with plenty of water or liquid tho--I got some stuck in my espohagus once and it was 24 hours of severe pain. Prune juice is supposed to be really helpful (or you could eat prunes). Fiber, fiber, fiber... leafy green vegetbles are good-like spinach. Make sure you are drinking a lot of fluids... water is best. Exercise is extremely important... even if it is just walking. If you are unable to solve your problem thru diet/exercise, you might want to talk to your doctor. Depending on what surgery you are scheduled to have, this may not be a problem for you after surgery as it seems that one of the downsides to some wls is loose stools. Best of luck, Sid
   — mrsidknee

August 20, 2005
A little fat added to my diet took care of my problem; and I read a post somewhere that said someone had done basically the same thing by adding one fat-based Vitamin E capsule daily.
   — Jenny X.

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