What kind of TT did You get?

Hi I have Medicare and I need a TT. But I want one where the cut is above the Belly button and then pulled down I also seen a Woman on here who had miscle tightning covered by medicare. What did You get (with Medicare) and do you have pics?    — Shell G (posted on June 22, 2005)

June 22, 2005
You might want to ask this question on the Plastic Surgery Message Board. I have Medicare and a secondary insurance Tricare Prime (military). Medicare will not approve or disapprove any plastic surgery, so if you have a secondary insurance have the plastic surgery submit to them. Other wise you pay for the plastic surgery and if Medicare finds that it is medically necessary they will pay. The problem is finding a ps that will do surgery with those terms, almost impossible. They want all there money before they do a surgery, so if you pay cash, you pay there regular price and Medicare will only reinbuse you the amount that the rate is set up with the ps. My secondary insurance paid what Medicare did not pick up, but my secondary approved my plastic surgeries and the ps was fine with that because he knew he would be paid.
   — cindy

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