My upper arms become sore and tired easily. What helps?

I have lost almost 200lbs, with 50 more to go. I do strength training and cardio seven days a week. I have so much hanging skin off my upper arms. I do have a lot of muscle on my upper arms. My arms become so sore whenever I lift they to do normal everyday things. Is there anything that helps? I don't think that my insurance (Kaiser) will cover skin removal on my arms.    — Allison M. (posted on April 2, 2005)

April 2, 2005
are you strength training everyday or every other day? check with your insurance, and also check with your doctor and see what can be done if its something medical , maybe your insurance with help with some of the cost. how much did you weigh before the surgery. maybe you could convince your doctor to help if its alot of loose skin. good luck.
   — Barbara M.

April 2, 2005
Are you getting enough protein and water? I was told to weight train every other day. Lifting weights every day can damage your joints and the supporting structures around the joints. That could cause pain any time you use those joints. Just a thought.
   — dianne E.

April 3, 2005
I'm not real clear on what you are asking, but I agree with the previous poster than you should not be working the same muscle group every day. According to the trainer where I go you should do each muscle group only once per week. Every day I do cardio and then alternate legs/arms/abs thoughout the week.<br>If you pain is not from lifting weights and is due to the excess skin, then I would speak with your doctor and seek approval for skin removal. The worst they could say is no.
   — RebeccaP

April 3, 2005
If your skin is getting sore from moving and pulling then I would suggest that you wear a long sleeve leotard type top that binds your upper arms or that you bind them with some type of athletic bandage. Talk to your doctor about this. B
   — Beatrice C.

April 5, 2005
It is very rare to get the batwings removal covered by insurance (brachioplasti). I agree with wearing a tight leotard to help with the rubbing and irritation and also take pics just incase you can get it covered. Then for the internal sorness from muscle fatigue. I would highly suggest the L-Glutamine with MSM. It is available through IDS and I have information about it on my site. I have been using it for about 2 months and can really tell a difference. I wish I had it 2 years ago when I started my journey.
   — wealthgvr

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