Experience with Miacalcin Nasal Spray /Treatment of Post-Op Osteopenia / Osteoporosis

I am 19 months post-op RNY and was recently diagnosed with osteopenia (dexascan t-scores were -1.5 for femur and -1.4 for spine and heel). I had no baseline test prior to this, so I have no way of knowing if I had bone density issues pre-op. My guess is that I fell into the Calcium Carbonate trap -- I had been taking 1500mg of Viactiv (calcium carbonate) a day at the recommendation of my surgeon. Based on the information on this site, I recently switched to the TwinLab chewable Calcium Citrate (after getting the bad news about my bone density). My PCP prescribed Fosamax to help stop bone loss & build back bone mass, but my gastric bypass surgeon said no way because of the gastro-intestinal side effects and because my pouch can't hold the 6 - 8 ounces of water needed to take the drug. Actonel was ruled out for the same reasons. My gastric bypass surgeon recommended Evista as an alternative, but my PCP felt that was not a good option due to my age (31). In the end, they prescribed Miacalcin nasal spray. The info available online suggests there isn't good data on safety & effectiveness in women less than 5 years post-menopause. Does anyone have experience (good or bad) with Miacalcin Nasal Spray post-op?    — Katherine T. (posted on December 23, 2004)

December 23, 2004
Statistically, Miacalcin is more effective for men, and then, only the first 6-12 months of use. I used it, but I'm one of the ones who had an annoying side effect (rare). So, I stopped, but then tried again later and didn't get the stiff neck. I used it for almost a year. I saw some very slight improvement. I used ACtonel (gentler than Fosamax) this year and had a marked improvement. I take a ton of calcium and "helper" minerals, as well. I am very prone to gastric distress and not everyone can take these. The nice thing is, you know right away if you can take them or not. According to my endo, it doesn't sit quietly and THEN blow a hole thru your pouch (like NSAIDS might), it hurts now. Today. I dinked around for 4 yrs not taking it. But I needed the numbers to reverse faster, so started 1/1/04. I have had no reaction at all (except improved BMD). Yet friends of mine have had a burning sensation and didn't take any more of them. IF you ca get samples, it's a lesser risk than paying for them. They're kinda spendy. And of course, lots and lots of calcium citrate. Do they test your D and parathyroid, too?
   — vitalady

December 23, 2004
I was wondering how your lab studies were after 6mos, 12mos, etc for your calcuim reading? Were they normal with you taking Vicativ? I just had my six months and yes I am taking calcuim carbonate and my numbers were good according to both PCP and Surgeon. I would be very interested in your numbers. I don't want to have problems later on. Thanks
   — dcox94

December 24, 2004
Generally, with carbonate, the lab results WILL be good and better and better with carbonate, as the organs leach the calcium from the bones to maintain those high levels. Mine were AWESOME, before I had the DEXAscan and started to learn how it works. It has taken me 4 years to stop the loss of bone, level out calcium, PTH and D levels.
   — vitalady

December 28, 2004
Thanks for the responses. My blood calcium, parathyroid & D were all normal -- it is only the bone density scores that came back bad. I have the Miacalcin bottle in the fridge ... just haven't had the courage to start taking it yet. I haven't gotten any horrible responses back from my posts on the message board or this question thread, so I guess I should probably bite the bullet and take a dose. Just seems strange to take bone medicine through the nose and it is a little scary taking something with so little information on safety for pre-menopausal women. I'll update the thread once I have been taking it and know more.
   — Katherine T.

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