Has anyone has problems with throwing up 2 weeks out.....

several times a week? It isn't consistant when I throw up. Sometimes I think I have eaten too much, other times I think maybe I didn't chew well enough and other times it just doesn't make sense why I throw up. Also... and sorry if this is a little too graphic but when I throw up its like everything that comes up is incased in this mucus like pouch. It isn't mucus... but that is the only way I can think to explain it... other then it looks like an upside down jellyfish when it gets to the toilet... again, sorry for being graphic. Does anyone know what in the world that might be?    — Splenderella (posted on December 7, 2004)

December 6, 2004
Hi there! I am only 6 days post op so I haven't experienced what you have. I had surgery at the Barix Clinics in Penn. and the follow up nutrition and eating plan doesn't let patients try solid food for 6 weeks so I am a little bit surprised that you have been eating those foods so early after your surgery. They have us on clear liquids for one week, full liquids for two weeks, pureed food for 1-2 weeks, then soft food for another week and then after that we can start solid foods. This way here the stomach has time to heal and adjust to our new eating habits before we start eating whole foods again. Not sure if this helps or not but just thought I would let you know. Maybe you are throwing up because your stomach hasn't had time to heal and adjust properly. I hope you start feeling better. Merry Christmas.
   — Stephanie W.

December 6, 2004
Hi there- I am 13 months out and this use to happen to me quite often. It can be from not chewing small enough bites well, eating too fast, and/or your pouch is just plain sensitive. The "mucus" is called frothing. It happens when our pouches get "mad". The best thing to do for immediate results is to drink a warm -- sugar free liquid. I used sugar free apple cider or you can do an herbal tean (NO caffine). It helps to "disolve" the frothing. This is not to say that you may not "throw-up" the warm liquid, but it does help get rid of the frothing. The only thing I am concerned with is... this did not happen to me until I tried pureed/solid foods. Are you still on a liquid diet? Two weeks out our pouches usually can not handle solids, but maybe your plan is different :-) --- Another hint ---after I had brought my food back up, I would go back to liquids for a day to settle my pouch. Please trust me -- this will pass and you will love the results. Best of luck!! Please feel free to email me with ANY questions. Best of luck to you -- Lisa 11/03/03 -- 280's, now minus 136 pounds!
   — LisaL.

December 7, 2004
Hello. The mucus is normal--every time I've thrown up it's been there, at least since the surgery. But, I am concerned that at 2 weeks out, you are chewing anything. I was still on liquids and pureed foods like baby cereal and sugar-free yoghurt and pudding at 2 weeks. Also, please take very small bites and only a couple of bites, and then set your food down and give your new pouch time to deal with what you've just put in it. Also, do not gulp your liquids, only sip slowly, and one ounce at a time, and no more than every 10 or 15 minutes, at least at this stage. Hopefully, this will reduce the amount of vomiting you will have.
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 8, 2004
Yes, I threw up a lot even when I was on the liquid diet. Water was the worst. The only way I could even think about keeping it down was at room temperature. And that mucus... well, it isn't very pleasant, I know, but it is normal. Try not to get discouraged. It will get better!
   — K. Joyce Smith

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