How long after WLS will I be able to travel?

I'm planning on having surgery in December or early January. I travel regularly on business (4-9 hr. flights) and I have some family events to attend as well. How long after surgery will it be ok to travel? What kind of concerns should I have? I'd love to hear from you all. Thank you.    — vitoria (posted on November 28, 2004)

November 28, 2004
My mom had her surgery open and flew home within a week of having surgery. It might be uncomfortable and depending on how you recover on how you feel. I am 3wks post op and I am flying sometime this week. I have no concerns at all. make sure you stay hydrated
   — gardnily

November 28, 2004
Please check with your own surgeon regarding travel.... Mine, and most I have heard of recommend you wait at least 6 weeks. Long flights increase your chances of developing blood clots...keep moving while on board. Get up and move around the cabin at least once an hour...keep your legs moving while seated. And, yes, keep hydrated. Drink twice as much water on board than you would on the ground. Good Luck...congrats on taking the step towards a healthier life. Peg lap rny 4/9/03 311/154/-156 lbs
   — Peg L

November 28, 2004
I did a crosscountry business trip with stops in DC and NYC (where I gave a talk too) 5 weeks after lap DS surgery. I was tired, especially lugging myself and my stuff (including heavy laptop) around the airports, but I did OK. I got up and walked on the plane at least twice on each of the crosscountry flights to prevent clots. But the best part? Down 30 lbs., and I DIDN'T NEED AN EXTENDER AND THE TRAY TABLE WENT ALL THE WAY DOWN!! I was SO happy about that! Even if I couldn't eat much of what was on that tray!
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 28, 2004
Vitoria, I had my surgery in Spain - I live in Oregon. 2 weeks to the day from my surgery (Open BPD/DS) I flew home. It went fine. In fact, it was more comfortable flying home than it was flying there. There are a lot of patients who travel to have surgery. Of course, consult with your PCP and surgeon! Blessings, dina
   — Dina McBride

November 28, 2004
It all depends on your surgeon. The bariatric surgeon that I went with, The WISH Center has people come from all over the midwest (suburban Chicago) to have surgery. So there are people that have to travel home 3-4 days after the surgery. There was a girl that had hers the same day I did and she lived 6 hours away by car. My doctor's office I know gives the patient instructions to get out of the car every 1/2 hour to walk around for the prevention of blood clots. Fourtunately, I was only 1/2 hour away from the hospital so I got home and was able to get out and walk around in the house. This is something that you NEED to talk with your surgeon about, just do not use the information that other patients here are telling you. We are not a medical doctor, only he/she can tell you what is medically sound for you.
   — ChristineB

November 28, 2004
PS PREVIOUS POSTER HERE I forgot to empasize the concern that you need to keep in mind about blood clots. Sitting on an airplane or sitting in a car for long periods of time can create a ticking time bomb. Should I say that again for you? My husband when he was preop by about 2 years had a 3 hour flight and developed a very serious blood clot. He ended up in the hospital for 10 days then home in his easy chair for a month. Just keep in mind the reporter David Blume, he died because of blood clot that he developed while reporting on the war in the middle east and he was thin. To refresh your mind he was sitting in a tank for hours without getting up to move around. So, do not be in a hurry to travel fast again, take some time for yourself to recover.
   — ChristineB

November 29, 2004
Thank you all for taking the time to respond to my query!
   — vitoria

November 29, 2004
You are welcome.
   — ChristineB

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