Does spiking/bouncing high BP increase risks of surgery?

My PCP has changed my BP meds in an effort to make it easier for me to take after surgery. I was taking 2500mg of Aldomet and we're now tryign to get my BP stabilized. I tried the patch (3 at one time, too!) and they didn't even touch the BP. I'm now taking Lotrel and HCTZ and even though my BP has dropped some it's now bouncing Up and Down! I'm less than 3 weeks away from surgery (sept. 15th) and am worried they'll cancel my surgery due to labial BP. Any suggestions!?!??!??? I've quickly learned that doctors don't know EVERYTHING about BP.    — Rhonda C. (posted on August 26, 2004)

August 26, 2004
Your surgeon might want it stable before they operate. I was unmedicated border line high before my surgery. During the operation my BP spiked really high. (they told my hubby) They brought it back down in a hurry and got it under control during the operation. I never knew a thing of course. <P>Try to relax in these comming weeks, lay off the salt, drink tons of water in an effort to help control it naturally. Best of luck to you. <P>Pookie, (surgery 4/6/04, starting wt 345, currently 240, goal 135)
   — Pookie B.

August 26, 2004
I've been struggling with the same issue. I'm on my fourth round of combo-drugs to try and get my BP to stabilize. My particular surgeon won't operate if you I have unstable BP. I think it's up to the surgeon. I'm taking 100 mg Hyzaar and 50 mg Toprol XL for mine.
   — Shayna T.

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