I am so concerned over my hip swelling....

I am 4wks post hernia repair and TT and did not have hip lipo, however I have marked swelling at the hips and cannot wear so much of my pre-surgical clothes. Is this ever going to get better? Also has anyone had lots of itching of the incision? It's driving me mad...    — zena X. (posted on August 19, 2004)

August 19, 2004
I had my tt (complete abdoninoplasty) in January this year, I did have some lipo around my hips, but by 4 weeks almost all of my swelling was gone, I don't remember a lot of itching from my incision either, I don't think the itching is cuase for concern, but I would contact the surgeon about the swelling, Good Luck
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 19, 2004
I just had my hernia repair TT done on the 6th I did have some itching but after the staples came out that stoped I still have some swelling not much but mine is in the pubic area are you putting anything on the place I kept anitbodis cream on mine till got staples out maybe its just doing more healing I have always herd thats when a place is healing when its itchng bad Take Care Huggs Beth
   — wildbrat

August 19, 2004
My plastic surgeon said the itching is due to the tiny nerves regenerating. She suggested using an ice pack and moisturizer as needed. A cold shower also works well. I am 6 weeks post PS and still have swelling. I also find some clothes still do not fit.
   — Margaret S.

August 19, 2004
are you wearing a long line girdle and/or binder? that would really help the problem.i wore mine almost 3 keep the swelling out of the area and aloows for that flat smoothh line your looking for.All the Best! Tracey
   — traceybubbles

August 22, 2004
They do a lot of tissue manipulation with any TT. If your incision goes out to your hips they pulled up the lateral thighs and this will cause the swelling. People vary as to how long the swelling lasts. Some say 2-6 weeks and others up to 4-6 months. I had a lower body lift and was told to expect swelling for 4-6 months. The itching is probably from the nerves healing. Try massaging the incision line with antibiotic ointment that has a pain reliever in it. Massage helps to keep down the scarring and the pain reliever will decrease the itching.
   — dianne E.

August 22, 2004
I am a week post op abdominoplasty/hernia repair. My skin is extremely sensitive, and my incision is a little itchy. It is the nerves regenerating where the skin was pulled, and the skin healing around the stitches. I am having more sensitivity from the skin surface than the incision. Getting better every day, though.
   — Fixnmyself

August 23, 2004
Original poster here--thank you to ALL of you that responded. Great feedback and it is most appreciated. Just to let you know--I bought some of that "shapewear" that everyone is talking about in 'fashion' and they are a great alternative to the binders, on a daily basis. I live in a warm climate, so these make alot of difference in that they are lightweight. They also seem to smooth out the hip swelling even more than the binders because they are SEAMLESS. Thank you all again. ~Debra
   — zena X.

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