TT guestions, 10 days post-op

TT and big hernia repair 10 days ago. I've been told I do have a belly button now. (I had surgery at age 3 and since have never had a real hole there.) This morning there is drainage and yellow pus coming from the area I think the button is located. Is there a real chance I could lose my new belly button? (My mom lost hers during her TT, so I know there are some people without a button.) When were you able to stand up straight? Did your back hurt too 'cause you couldn't straighten? When could you fit into your pants? How long did you wear your binder? Told ya I had questions! Thanks for your time.    — jocelyn (posted on August 12, 2004)

August 12, 2004
Hi there, I had tt surgery 9 months ago. As to the yellow drainage/pus call your doctor and get in to have him take a look and the sooner the better. I started standing up straight about 2 weeks out and then it was for short periods at a time. You are not supposed to work those muscles for couple of weeks. Yes my back did ach from bending over, but the results have been worth it. I wore the large surgery binder for 3 weeks and then my doctor had me buy a binder (girdle type) from the store and wear it for an additional 4 weeks. I fit back into my regular clothes at about 4 weeks after surgery. Until then I just wore drawstring and elastic waisted type pants. The abdomen area is still numb so don't expect to get the feeling back until you are about a year out .. at least thats what my surgeon told me. It has been totally and completely worth it, you just need to be patient and do what your doctor tells you, and as I suggested call and get in to have him take a look at the belly button. Best of luck, Kathy
   — Kathy J.

August 12, 2004
I'm four weeks post extended abdominoplsty (with muscle tightening), hernia repair, brachioplasty, lipo and removal of skin at the sides of my breasts, so I don't pretend to know much more than you do, but will share my experience for what it's worth. I would definitely have the discharge from the belly button checked by the doc. I had a small amount of drainage from mine, and was instructed to clean it with a soapy Q-tip and apply an antibiotic-cream-loaded gauze bandage twice a day. That was two weeks ago, and I still have a little drainage, but nothing I'm worried about. I think I'm unusual here, but I had surgery on a Thursday, and have been able to stand straight up since the Saturday after, though before surgery the doc said it could take awhile and not to push it. I had really worked on developing my ab muscles before surgery, so maybe that's made the difference. My back did hurt a bit, but I think that was because I was required to sleep on my back with pillows under my knees for two weeks--a very unnatural sleep position for me. I wore my pre-op clothes as soon as I got home from the hospital, and have bought a few things two sizes smaller since. It was more comfortable that first week or so in looser clothing, mostly because I came home with four drains and had trouble hiding them all in clothes. I'm still wearing the binder I got in the hospital, and the doc hasn't said how long I need to keep it on. It's a little bulky, but not otherwise uncomfortable, so I don't mind having to wear it (thank heaven for a cool summer!). I think people react to the TT surgery differently, so don't judge your progress too much by comparison to others. Best wishes.
   — Vespa R.

August 12, 2004
I am one day short of 3 wks post op TT and incisional hernia repair. I was not able to sleep in a bed until 2 wks po, so my back hurt tons from sleeping sitting up. In re: the pus etc., you MUST get that looked at immediately. Pus is not drainage, as we all have with our JP drains, therefore, it must be evaluated by your P.S. I have been able to stand fairly straight since appx 10 days post op, although I'd bend just a bit after longer intervals of standing up. I cannot wear some of my preop clothes yet because my hips are swollen. No lipo, but its the 'center of gravity' as the lowest part when I sleep. I am also wearing 2 binders. One begins at the top of my ribcage, and the other wraps around my hips. I have also ordered a less restrictive pantygirdle type garment for when I return back to work. I feel much better with the binder on, but I do take breaks from it, as it gets hot, and also to launder it. (I have a few, but these are my favs). Best wishes to you, and I am as hopeful for you and myself, that our post op bodies deflate soon :)
   — zena X.

August 12, 2004
I had my surgery the same day as you! My new belly button looks a little red, but no pus - do have that checked out ASAP. I can stand up straight, but my back really starts to hurt if I am up too long - have to bend over and rest on something for a bit.I can fit in my knit pants fine - if I pull them half way up to my arm pits LOL! Tried a pair of non-stretchy shorts and it was too painful, yet. I have not had a binder or support garment at all - my surgeon doesn't use them. Take care -
   — koogy

August 12, 2004
I had my Abdominal plasty 4-9-02 I have had a staff infection on the incison line ever since they are going back in soon to redo the TT I have been numb from about 3 inches above the line to 3 inches below and my pubis mound is swollen looking I want the Plastic man to take some of the poof down from there also and want him to go around the back so I will end up with a LBL hopefully Kathy
   — Kathleen M.

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