Anyone use Zoloft post-op?

Has anyone who has used Zoloft post op experienced weight gain or significant sexual dysfunction as a result? My Dr. prescribed Zoloft for PMDD and I've worked in psychiatry a few years ago but am not that familiar w/this drug in particular. I have read up on it but do know that many of the antidepressants have side effects like the ones I mentioned. Any advice is appreciated. I am 22 mo post op and want to continue to maintain and it's hard enough without pills making me hungry. She also prescribed Progesterone pills for 10 days out of the month. Anyone ever take those either and if so do they have side effects??? Thanks again and sorry this is so long. Robin 9/17/02 290/140/145    — Robin V. (posted on July 16, 2004)

July 16, 2004
Robin, I take Zoloft (100mg).I had surgery April of 03 and to date have lost 181 pounds (361-180). The Zoloft has NOT bothered my eating, other than NOT wanting to eat in the begining. BUT I did have sexual problems for maybe a month. I have been taking Zoloft for about 6 months now and have done very well on it. If I can help anymore, please email me.
   — D P.

July 17, 2004
My son was put on Zoloft and it caused him to gain weight. when he started it he was about 80lbs and now he is at 140. His doctor had warned us it was a side affect but we had to weigh the good verses the evil. Check with your docotr to see if there is a med you can try without the side affect. Prozac and depacoate have the same side effects. Also be careful because if you have a reverse reaction/ sensitivity to this med it can make you manic and for my son it made him suicidal and had to be hospitalized while we underwent a med change. Be careful and take care. Jeannie
   — Jeannie Hubnik

July 17, 2004
Hi Robin! I've been on Zoloft for about 10 years. I had my surgery about 2 months after you had yours and the Zoloft has not caused me to gain weight (or even lose slowly) nor has it interfered with my sex drive.Good luck to you! Kelly open RNY 11/20/02 315/117
   — klinzey

July 18, 2004
Hi Robin, I've been on Zoloft for 4 years now. I originally started taking 100 mg, but I'd say for 3 years I've been on 50mg. I know what you mean about the weight gain part....I gained probably 75 lbs taking Zoloft since it increased my hunger. But I've tried to stop taking it and my physical anxiety symptoms come right back. I even tried Welbutrin for awhile because that can be an appitite suppressant and that worked for the appitite but not for the anxiety. So I'm 4.5 months post op now...lost 92 lbs-for the first couple months I was never hungry but I notice now my hunger is coming back a bit...not sure if that's related to the medication or not. But I've tried other meds and they just don't work for me like Zoloft does. But now that I'm post-op I always tell myself "I now have the tool to control this". Hope that helps :)
   — mzcath

July 21, 2004
Hi! I went on Zoloft about 3 months before surgery and am still on a low dose. I have been losing slowly, but at a steady pace. I have NOT lost my "drive" but have noticed I need to work a little more for the big O! LOL!!! But the life is real good. My doctor told me it is the cleanest of the drugs out there. Good luck to you! ~Jennifer
   — Zankri

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