Home from having Inner Thigh Lift - Feet Swelling

Has anybody had an inner thigh lift followed by their feet swelling? I'm 24 hours post-op. I'm concerned because I know there's a lot of lymph nodes in the groin area where all my stitches are. Could disruption of the lymph nodes cause my feet to swell?    — Vicki S. (posted on July 4, 2004)

July 4, 2004
i'm 4 months post op from a tummy tuck and inner thigh lift. my feet AND arms swelled. keeping on the compression garment really helps. if i took it off because i felt "fine" about 4 hours later i would swell and it would take awhile for the swelling to go down. my stomach still swells every now and then if i am doing at of activity. drink ALOT of fluids and keep on your compression garment. if you didn't get a compression garment i would buy a very FIRM capri length girdle. this will help with the swelling all the way down the leg. also you dont' want the shorter girdle bacause the band of elastic will be right on the area that you had lifted. the compression garment is important because it also helps to "mold" the new shape and helps the tissues heal back together.
   — franbvan

July 4, 2004
I was told to keep my legs elevated as much as possible the first week post-op to prevent the swelling (even with a compression garment). You usually have water retention after surgery and the elevation helps to prevent ankle and feet swelling.
   — LLinderman

July 4, 2004
Elevate! For every hour out of bed spend TWO hours lying down. Seriously. Move your legs while in bed and please- NO sodium, no alcohol and please wear the garment all the time. Take it off for bathing only. Swelling is not uncommon, but it takes a LONG time to reabsorb. Diane N PS I love the results of my PS
   — DianeN

July 5, 2004
The lymph will not flow as easily because of the incisions, but will drain out another route. Meanwhile you have to help your body drain the fluid...I agree with Diane's advice 100%. I might add that a gentle leg massage with skin lotion especially on the backs of the calves with you lying down may als help move fluid out of the legs.
   — DrL

July 7, 2004
I had my inner thigh lift about 8 weeks ago and I can tell you my feet were HUGE!! They were swollen for about the first week.
   — Patty H.

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