Interested in how to add Flax Seed to foods

I ahve attended a couple of nutrition seminars that recommend adding ground flax seed to foods becuase of it's high nutrition value in terms of protein and fiber. I know if it isn't ground it will go right through the body. Is anyone adding ground flax seed to their foods? Can you give me examples of how you use flax seed, what type of food you add or subitiute it for? Thanks    — jmusser (posted on February 11, 2004)

February 11, 2004
I add flax seeds to yogurt. Try the Carb Countdown Yogurt. It is great and only 4 carbs, 3 sugars & 12 g's protein. Love, Lindy
   — Dixie Chick

February 11, 2004
I add 2 TBS of ground flaxseed to my protein shake. It just adds a little nutty taste. I have also tried atkins recipe for flax muffins which were ok. They would probably be good on a salad too.
   — Penny D.

February 11, 2004
My husband uses ground flax seed every day. He adds it to his cereal and it adds a nutty taste. You should be able to add it to anything like yogurt, protein shakes, tuna, salad dressing, etc. Anything that is moist, it would adher to. Flax seed is suppose to help lower cholesterol is why he is using it. We found it at Whole Foods Store.
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 11, 2004
Just have to ditto Mary's answer - tuna salad, chicken salad, egg salad, hot cereals, protein shakes, low carb bread and muffin mixes... I store the whole seeds in my freezer, then grind them in a coffee grinder as I need them. Much cheaper and easier than using a laxative. And waaaay gentler. I buy them in bulk at the local co-op.
   — kultgirl

February 13, 2004
In addition to adding it to my kids cold and hot cereals, I sprinkle it on top of their peanut butter toast and sandwiches.
   — eaamc

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