I am having scary dreams about my panni surgery

Hi friends I was just wondering if anyone else has frightening dreams that something will go terribly wrong during surgery or afterwards. I am scheduled for a panni on March 15 and although I am determined to have it the fear is getting to me. What can I do to calm down? Anyone else have dreams of botched and painful surgeries? I am going through a stressful time at work and with some personal things, could this have something to do with it? Hugs, Kim S. Open RNY Nov.4/02 (-163 lbs.)    — Kim S. (posted on February 7, 2004)

February 7, 2004
Hello Kim, It will work for you, don't worry. Had full belt lipectomy, which is a panni plus abdominoplasty plus the back lift done on Dec 22. Now Monday will be 7 weeks and 95 percent there. You will be fine. If you want specific information, feel free to email at [email protected].
   — Steve B.

February 7, 2004
Hi Kim, I had the panni and hernia repair done on 1/26 and after 10 days I felt much better. But prior to the surgery, I was so anxious. I talked to my pcp about a sedative or something to help me to sleep. He gave me vitrasil which is actually an antihistimine that is used in the operating room to relieve anxiety just before general anesthesia. It worked great for me and I took it almost a month. Was safe to take even the night before surgery. It is normal to feel anxious because you have been cut before and you know it is not a picnic. Truthfully, if I had not had such a huge hernia, I would count this as a very easy surgery. It is painful to be sure but it feels like a giant burning paper cut for about 10 days and then suddenly it improves significantly. Good luck to you!
   — Mylou52

February 9, 2004
I think it's normal to be afraid from ANY surgery you have done. However, if you trust your doctor and have seen the kind of work he does and you don't have any problem with it, everything will be fine. However, before each surgery I've had in the past 2 years (I've had 7), I always say a little prayer and it really does help me calm down.
   — Patty H.

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