Does anyone know of a plastic surgeon in Southern California that can do a body lift

If not, a surgeon in So. Calif. that does TT & arm lifts...with minimal scaring? I have lost 160lbs & gained alot of loose skin.........Thanks    — booboo (posted on February 1, 2004)

February 1, 2004
I live in the San Fernando Valley area of So Cal. I'm 5 weeks post-op from my lower body lift. Phenomenal results! My surgery was performed by the same bariatric surgeon that did my WLS in Orange County at Coastal Center for Obesity. Dr. David Oliak is very experienced at the LBL and dealing with MO patients after massive weight loss. If you're interested, please email and I'll provide specifics. Vicki LapRNY 4/1/03 260/149
   — Vicki S.

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