7 mo post op sagging skin

those of you post op has your skin tightened up eventually? I work out 5-7 x week on treadmill and with weights and still getting sagging skin, will this go away?    — Amy H. (posted on January 24, 2004)

January 24, 2004
I ahte to say this... But I been working out since 1 month post op 1-2 times a day for 2-5 hours and I can tell you I have So much skin I could make a person out of it! But mine has not left and people said since I am 23 it would! So I am sorry probably not.
   — Sabrina H_NC

January 24, 2004
Sorry, ladies, but exercise has no effect on sagging skin. It has to do with elasticity of skin. <P> I go to an electro-muscular stimulation salon, called Bailine, and I think it helps. Water also helps, as do essential fatty acids, Dry Vit. E (400 mgs/day, more if *very* distal, but E is toxic), CoroMega (fish oil supplement, emulsified so we can absorb it). CoroMega is available at <P> Time is the big one, tho . . . it can take as long as 2 years to shrink all it's going to.
   — RWH G.

January 24, 2004
Ditto. I also worked out from one-month post-op on, including weights and running. I have saggy skin over muscles. Which is better than saggy skin over no muscle tone, I guess, but time seems to be the big healer. I've noticed my skin has tightened up quite a bit in the seven months or so since my weight finally stabilized, but I'll always have excess skin, exercise or not.
   — Suzy C.

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