What do I have my pcp document that will help with getting rescontructive surgery

when I am at goal? I have my annual physical exam on Thursday. Would yall please help me with ideas of what to have my pcp document to assist in getting ps when I am done losing? I don't have rashes but I have huge amounts of hanging skin already at 10 months post op. My upper arms are bad but my upper thighs are worse. My panni is as huge as ever and seems to hang even lower now. I know some folks recommend "making" rashes before a doctor's appointment. I don't feel comfortable doing that but I know I will have to have ps surgery in two years after I am able to go from 423 to 140 pounds. I am open to any suggestions.    — Ann B. (posted on January 19, 2004)

January 19, 2004
First thing you want to do is contact your insurance and ask for the medical necessary guidelines for the procedure you want. I went throught the whole appeal process with my insurance company for my TT - appealing on a denial given as the procedure abdominoplasty was not a "covered procedure" in my policy. In my final denial I was denied because I had not proved it medically necessary and in that denial was their medical necessary guidelines. If I had been denied originally because not medically necessary and given the guidelines in the first denial (pre-deterimination) then I would have stopped the process and got the documentation they required. Good luck
   — bbjnay

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