Has anyone ever taken Axert for Migraines?

Hi there, Amos Family! My health has improved greatly since WLS, but 2 things have not changed. My cycles suck, big time! I've had it now for almost 7 months, I've seen 3 specialists and they all agree that NONE of them will touch me with a scalpel, I've had too many surgeries in that regard, so I'm doomed to endure this fate. Ok, I can deal with that, dealt with bad cycles since I was 12. But the other new thing I've developed is Migraines! I have daily headaches, but a couple of times a week, I get bad head-wrenching migraines. My neurologist gave me "Axert" to try. I looked in the library and could not find anything, I even tried typing in the generic form. So has anyone who's had the RNY ever tried this? I know my doctor deals with WLS patients and he knows what I can and cannot have, but I also know my AMOS family would give me some personal background on this stuff, will it upset my tummy, should I drink or eat something prior? I've tried the Zomig, but not this one. Anything? Anyone? Any help will do. Thanks so much, Vi. open RNY 9/23/02 down 151 lbs with 25 more to go.    — Vi F. (posted on January 14, 2004)

January 14, 2004
I absolutely swear by Axert. It is the only thing my daughter and I have found that will END a migraine. Have you looked at I know I read about it somewhere and most likely there. Good luck.
   — Mona R.

January 14, 2004
Found it at Here's a link.
   — Mona R.

January 14, 2004
I've never heard of Axert, either, and I've tried many of the migraine medications available. You said you tried Zomig - have you tried the 5 mg disintegrating tablet? It dissolves on your tongue, so there shouldn't be any stomach upset. I switched to Zomig from Imitrex just before my surgery in Nov 03 because I was concerned about not being able to handle swallowing the tablet. I've had recurring migraines for over 20 years, in fact, in the first 9 days after surgery, I had 6 migraines. The Zomig tablet helped immensely - my surgeon seemed to feel that the increase in headaches was due to the changes my system was undergoing after the surgery. As time went by (I'm about 10 weeks post-op), they have gotten lesser in both frequency and intensity. In fact, my doctor feels they will eventually stop altogether. I don't know about that, but any relief I can get is appreciated. I hope you can get some relief soon for your migraines; I know from long experience how adversely they can affect one's ability to go about daily life.
   — Grace B.

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