I'd like to hear from post op's that started at a very high weigh like 400 pounds and

I started my WLS at 412.. I now weigh 267, Has anyone had 2 tummy tucks to get to where they want to be? I have a very large skirt i'd like to get rid of plus a navel hernia that needs repair now , and later after i've finished my WL, have another tummy tuck and breast lift. Has anyone out there had it done that way?    — itsmekaren (posted on January 11, 2004)

January 10, 2004
Hi Karen, I fit your requirements. I started at 442 am currently 230 and 30 lbs from goal. I am scheduled for the first stage of a full extended abdominoplasty and also a lateral thigh lift on Feb 23rd. Basically it's a lower body lift. I need to have the abdominoplasty done in two stages because of strange anatomy in that my waist never stretched and therefore I have a smaller panni above the waist and a sizeable one below. Insurance has agreed to pay for both surgeries. Still waiting to hear on the lateral thigh lift portion. <p>While I am getting mine done in 2 surgeries it's not for the reason you state. However, I do know of others who have. It typically will be done when the panni is creating mobility issues. How low do you want to get? The only risk of doing it now is that insurance may agree to pay for it now but when it comes to the final stage they may not feel it is needed. But better to get the majority off if it is really a problem now. I know of one woman lately that had a panni before she ever had WLS due to the sheer size of her panni and the lack of mobility and hygiene issues etc. For people who are very large this many times is done. She is about 5'2 and weighed close to 600. The panni removed 54 lbs of tissue. She must feel like a totally new person. She had been home and bed bound since last June. <p>There is a Yahoo group for people who are or started over 400 lbs or have a BMI of 65 or larger. You might want to consider joining us. AMOS is an excellent site and the Yahoo site is a nice supplement which focuses on SMO people. We have unique issues due to our large size and it's nice to have a place to discuss them. One woman is scheduled for panni removal on Feb 4th in exactly the same situation you bring up. She has lost almost 200 lbs, has about another 100-150 to go but the panni is so large it is drastically affecting things. Insurance has agreed to pay for it. She assumes she will need a 2nd panni when she reaches goal weight. The site is: Hope to see you there!
   — zoedogcbr

January 10, 2004
Hey Karen. I started off at 382 lbs and now am down to 197 lbs. I had a panniculectomy on 10/27/03. They removed about 15 lbs of skin. Even with that surgery I still have an excessive amoung of stomach skin and love handles which makes it very hard to find clothes sometimes. I go for my check up with my PS next month. At that point we will determine if another surgery is needed, and possibly do thighs as well. I think its a lot more difficult for us starting 350+ due to the amount of excess skin we tend to have. No matter how young or old you are, its almost impossible for the skin to bounce right back into place again.
   — Shavonne P.

January 10, 2004
I started at 396 and am now hovering around 180. I probably do need a tummy tuck, but I feel good, have no major medical problems now and just don't want to undergo another surgery. I've started running and that has trimmed and helped a little but it'll never take care of my panni. For now, I'll just live with it.
   — Cathy S.

January 11, 2004
How tall are you? I started at 412, and currently weigh 267 lbs too! I have some hang-over, but the truth is that I can't really tell if it's bad or not. Nothing to compare it too I guess. Anyway, good luck to you!
   — thekatinthehat

January 11, 2004
original poster here.. I'm 5'2 and 51 years old.. I'm 10 months post op.. I'm willing to have 2 TTs cause im still so big,, im pear shaped now,, and wear almost in a comfortable size 3x,, If all this extra flab was gone id be in alot smaller size.. Thank you for your answers,,
   — itsmekaren

January 11, 2004
Hi! U are not alone! I started out at 373.6 pounds day od surgery (September 25,2002). As of december 30, 2003 I weigh 282 pounds. I also need a tummy tuck to get me jump started again. And I am 16 months post op. I have a large apron too. All I am waiting for is the approval. I have not heard anything since I had my 1 year appointment October 10, 2002
   — missturtle

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