I have a few questions about dizzy spells.

Twice now I've gotten very of those times I passed out and fell down a flight of stairs...I went to the dr they checked me out and told me it was because I had eaten a third of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich about 3 hours earlier and it was some kind of sugar thing going on...(still confused on that one)...anyway they checked my sugar at the clinic and it was normal....also at the time I had started taking paxil cr 50mg..they had me lower it to 25 and see what happend...well..I've been taking the 25's for about 2 weeks or so everything seems more dizzy spells, until today...same thing as the first time...I got really cold then my body started to tingle all over then I got really dizzy...only this time I didnt pass out...I've had my blood pressure checked all is well there.....they checked my labs for everything was all fine too...can someone plz tell me why is this happening to dr's dont seem to have an answer....I should also add that I'm just about 4 1/2 months post-op open far I've lost around 55lbs...plz if any of you have had this experience or know what might be going on...let me know so I can talk to my dr's about it....Thank You :o)    — Lisa F. (posted on January 6, 2004)

January 5, 2004
This sounds a lot like something my doctors have diagnosed as VasoVagal Syncope. Ask to have a tilt table test done. It was found that mine is caused by a drop in my blood pressure, but it was only noticable when the tilt table test was done. They would take my blood pressure before and after I had these spells and it said everything was fine, until I had this test done. I now take a drug that is actually used to lower blood pressure, but for me it keeps my blood pressure at a steady rate. Was diagnosed in 1997, and have not had a spell since after being medicated. I could be wrong but give it a try. Mine started out having one just every once in a while to having one almost weekly, it was disrupting my work. Good Luck to you.
   — Mini Gadget

January 5, 2004
Don't know if this will help you or not. I dump on peanut butter. This means I get dizzy, my heart races, and my body tingles. Sometimes I get dizzy. The other thing is this: When I got my sugars tested on reguar check up they were in the 'normal' range. My Dr did say that even though 'normal' it was very low normal. He thinks my dizzy spells were low blood sugars and that it would pass when I could eat more. I do feel much better now (5.5 motnhs) although I still occasionally get dizzy. I don't know anything about Paxil. I would say, if things continue and don't improve, fight to find answers.
   — candylnd24

January 5, 2004
Since WLS I've had constant problems with lightheadedness. SO FAR I have'nt passed out. The thing that really concerns me (other than falling downstairs, of course) is the "TINGLING" you mentioned. If I were to tingle, then for me, I KNOW my potassium is dangeroulesly low. (Read my profile for the summer of 2001. GET TO A DOCTOR TODAY TO GET A BLOOD TEST FOR POTASSIUM! I kid you not!. "IF" it is low potassium you could have a heartattack. Low potassim is VERY dangerous. Don't put this off! Please let us know if your potassium is low as it helps other people to know. Thanks.
   — Danmark

January 5, 2004
Forgot to add that my lightheadness seems to be because of low blood pressure. It has been as low as 80/40 and often stays around 90/50 on average. It DOES drop as I get up.
   — Danmark

January 5, 2004
I have Vaso Vagal Synscope and have this happen, I have also had low potassium levels which have caused the problem - GO TO A DR. Have them check potassium if they didn't, then get checked out for Vaso Vagal problems. If you have Vaso Vagal problems, once you know how to tell when an "attack" is coming on, you will be able to handle it safely. If you faint do you feel better after you lie down? That's a sign of Vaso Vagal.
   — M B.

January 6, 2004
I know it sounds kind of simple, but dizziness can also be a sign of dehydration (although I would think someone at the doctor's office most likely would have noticed that) ... are you getting all your water in? Take care ... hope this gets figured out soon!
   — Karyn B

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