
   — nice n sweet B. (posted on December 9, 2003)

December 9, 2003
I think if I were you, I'd take a long hard look at what the federal government said today about these sorts of "diet" items. Since you're on here, you probably have read plenty of what the real answer is in your situation. Zap the carbs, up the protein, up the water, up the exercise. You only have a very few months left in your "window". I wouldn't waste it on gimmicks.
   — ladyphy

December 9, 2003
What it says is true about protein supplements, in general, anyway. Collagen is the least desirable form of supplement. That is not to say it is TOTALLY useless, as I use one once/day myself. But as to it being magic? No. Remember that these are addressing people with 20# to lose who will "diet" to go with it. And lost 15 lbs, and gain 30. We know the drill and can do this without spending money and getting our hopes up. All that said, if this product is similar to Amino Sculpt, it certainly will not HURT you that I can see.
   — vitalady

December 10, 2003
Hmmm. no profile - mods? This sounds like and advertisement to me, not a post.
   — kultgirl

December 10, 2003
Lol...shelley i am not an advertiser just looking for advice,i didn`t know my profile was gone....i will fix it...just thought that since it is protein it could only help...but i agree it is a waste of money but i am lowcarbing and exercising.....any other suggestions to lose the last 30lbs? thanks
   — nice n sweet B.

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